First false edge attemp

Oct 3, 2003
Well....My plunge grind goofed on this one so I just went with it. I may even finish it. It isnt that bad......

I like the shape of that hammond. Michael is right, Hell, if I could make it right the first time, where would the the fun be.
whatever goes wrong with the design of a blade, you can always regrind it and by the time you take out the flaw you can have something way better than the original knife. nothing fixes delaminations in a damascus blade like grinding the sucker out. :D
noy i've seen a lot of recurves born out of flaws
You guys are too much.....I'll finish her for sure ;) The only thing about a false edge is that it tends to hurt if you apply pressure on the spine. Oh well......I like the hammon on this one. it reminds me of a feather or a tornado.
How do I get that dent out? I hate to keep making the blade thinner and thinner........
Nice!!! I may just "age it". I almost nailed the clean lined though. In time I guess :D :D Oh yeah....I thought I could just put the right side of my feather in the "dent".

I could just call it a one of prototype and charge $75 more......

I thought about beating it to death to see how it holds up and flex it but everytime I say that. I DONT........
Go ahead and finish it, some of the best knives are made out of "F" ups. And the mark of a fine artist is how he handles them. Gib
Fitzo - its 0-1 my friend. Just currious whay you asked....I am bad about not mentioning what kind of steel I use. Up to this point all my blades have been 0-1. Good stuff.....
I thought I remembered you using a lot of O-1, but some days I wonder if I remember anything correctly.. . :(

Just really digging the transition line, there, and the beautiful looking clouds! Adding data to the storage bin, essentially, so maybe some day I can better understand the role of alloy elements in the formation of the way the hamon look.

Personally, I'd make that one a keeper for meself. A little divot won't matter! And it's got that marvelous transition.....
No one mentioned the awsome floor mat!

I have 2 knives of this shape so I hate to keep them all for do we go about deciding what to sell anyways :D

I like the transition too Fitzo thats why I hate to go after that damn ding!!
The pic didn't come up the first time I looked. In light of the terribly horrifying mistake you made there, I'd say put another one, identical, on the other side of the blade and tell the buyer that this is a "tactical knife with specially designed fullers that allow them to use the knife as a crowbar", then charge $500 extra, since it's for the tactical market! :D

In all seriousness, a few years ago when I was still doing knife reviews really seriously Ross Aki, who doesn't seem to be making knives anymore, sent me a "2nd" of one of his Straight Back Machetes. These are 1/16" thick, ATS-34, traditional machete type shape, with a convex edge. You want to talk about a cutting machine! Anyway, he gave it to me, told me to keep it, but said that because it was a 2nd he would probably only charge $40 for it. I looked, and looked and looked and couldn't find a single thing wrong with it except a deep scratch in the plunge grind near the handle. I said "are you serious" and he was really disappointed that he couldn't send me a first. Wow! Because I work mainly with hand tools the deep scratches and things that bother other makers are part of my style now, and I try to make them add to the knife, but when you're doing precision work I can see how a little bobble here and there would be downright maddening. Save that one for KITH! :D
I cant remember what company it is right now....there ads show red and greenish tactical guys....nary a knife...and have groves in the blades as splatter free blood crap....I'll remember the company in a little while. Death knives or some crappy name. There in Blade but I think there ad is bad advertising IMHO. :D