First Laconico - EDC


Oct 3, 2010
I am impressed! I recently was able to by one of Ray's EDC models (not the slim) from humblerodent and it is really amazing that a knife of this quality can be had at the price point these available for. It easily compares to knives that many people routinely pay twice as much for. If you are on the fence about trying to pick up one of his knives go for it. You will not be disappointed. Here is a mini review:

Fit and Finish / Build Quality:
I am pretty impressed with the build quality. I took it apart to add a little fluorinated grease to the pivot area and this thing fits together tightly! The lockup on this knife is the most solid that I have handled. The only slight complaint i may have is that the lock is a little sticky, but i dont mind cycling it a couple of hundred times to break it in. The action is silky smooth and you have flexibility when adjusting the pivot to your liking without introducing blade play. Did i mention that the lockup is solid?

The knife is great for everyday carry. It is not threatening at all and shouldn't cause non-knife people to freak out. I can imagine that the slim version would lend itself even more to this role but I like the solid stoutness that this knife has and personally wouldn't change it. I like the full flat grind, it is a useful blade shape that is good at what knives are meant to do....cut. Only small thing that I may change, and it is a small point, the clip as 2 corners where it rounds off at the end that are a little "pointy" the only reason this is an issue is i have a 23 month old that crawls all over me all the time and it could potentially scratch her. It shouldn't be an issue with most people.

You can get this knife for about the price of a large sebenza, between the two I think that there is no comparison. This is a much cooler knife. I think that this knife is a bargin for what Ray sells it for and it is understandable why his knives move so fast when they become available.

I have bought and sold a number of knives over the past several years. I usually only keep 1 or 2 higher end knives and rotate them out to try others. I can say that this knife is at least tied to be my favorite. Here is my list:
1. R.Laconico EDC / George-Wilson Combat eagle
2. 3 inch XM-18 spanto (2nd one i owned - better detent)
3. Les George VECP V2
4. 3 inch XM-18 spanto (1st one I owned - very weak detent)
5. 3.5 inch XM-18 Slicer
6. Small Sebenza

Value-wise the Laconico is definitely number one. It is really amazing to me that this is a full custom compared to mid-techs and it tops out on the value rating. My recommendation, buy one of Ray's knives. You will not be disappointed.
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Wow, thank you so much for the kind words. It was great reading first thing in the morning. Now I'll have a good day! I'm assuming the knife you're talking about is one side orange peel Ti and the other side textured G10? I made that knife a while back when I still had sticking issues with my lockbars. I have learned how to fix that and my lockbars no longer stick. The EDC model came about when one day I was feeling lazy and wanted to make something really simple. There's really no design to it except a rectangular shaped handle and a generic looking blade. It turned out to be one of my best sellers especially in the slim framelock version. Sometimes simple works best!
I really like it, it is an awesome knife! That is the exact one that i am talking about, it is pretty awesome. Thanks for making such a great product.
Everyone knows Ray makes a very clean, knife. Always eye catching, and a great value!
P K, I'm so glad you like it. It was an extremely hard decision to sell it. I never thought I would, but then I picked up an all Ti Slim EDC and realized I wouldn't carry the G10 one as much. I wanted it to go to a good home and it sounds like it ended up right where it should. Enjoy it.

Ray, you're too modest. Your EDC design (along with your Jasmine flipper) is one of the most beautiful out there. Every time I post a pic of one of mine, it generates at least a couple excited responses from people wanting to know the maker. Keep up the great work.

This thread needs some pics:

The one P K now owns:



My Slim:


I also just got my first Laconico. Now I see why they are so hard to get. Top quality knives.

I just love the clean lines of these knives. Simple, elegant, gorgeous. Very nice work. I going to have to figure out a way to get one of these.