Flicking out AR/GB blade. Good? Ok? Not that good?

Aug 30, 2001
Ever since I've had my AR, exactly one week, I am getting the hang of it's beefiness and gaining speed in deployment. I am starting to flick open blade with the help of the wrist like I did with my Benchmade. However I do not abuse it as much as I did the BM. I know this topic had been brought up numerous times but I didn't quite get the answers. Is it good or bad for the knife in any way? Will it wear at the joint, liner lock, pivot, etc? I want to develope good habits now before it's too late!

Thank you all,
Also as an addendum to the question... Is the AR designed to be able to be easily disassembled/reassembled for maintenance?
Buy a fixed blade them you don't have to worry!
IMHO, a folder is only a fixed blade broken in the middle.
My info is relative.
Do you think a folder will stop a dog attack, or an attack intent on stopping you?
I don't think so, as Mr. Bill Bagwell states a folder will get you killed. An 11 inch Strider or Bowie will let you cause the heart to pump air or split the spinal cord of any attacker. Think about!
This is a place for public opinon don;t try and flare up fights.
Some of us don't have the luxury of being able to pack fixed blades, especially concealed ones. A folder, especialy like Strider's AR is designed to be the next best thing. Nobody here will argue that a fixed blade fighter is going to be worse than an AR in a fight, but the question was about flipping it open, which a lot of people do.

I have personally seen Duane do it, and I think that with it being big enough to handle just about anything, flicking it open shouldn't hurt it.
Strider 4112... Relative to what? The questions asked had nothing to do with the merits of a folder vs fixed blade. It was the care and feeding of a folder that we were interested in knowing. Therefore your input, while valid under <i>another</i> topic, was irrelevant to the questions being asked in this post.

I don't necessarily disagree with your opinion... not entirely, at least. But if I ever was in the unfortunate situation where I had to transition to knife, I'm pretty certain that an AR would do just fine. A fixed blade is definitely more desirable in that kind of situation b/c you don't have to open it and they tend to be bigger. But I suspect that the AR would stand up well to the rigors of the situation without failure or making the user wish they had something else.

BTW... I defy you to find any organ that cannot be reached with a 4" blade in a dog or person.
I don't think flicking an AR or GB will cause any significant wear. I've owned dozens of lesser built folders that have handled thousands of hard flicks without any significant damage. I've got to believe that my GB can take ten times the abuse any of those could so I flick at will with no fear.

Life would be great if we could all tote the ultimate fighting fixed blade on our belt openly every day. Due to reality ( mainly laws in some areas that prohibit large blades ), the average guy is most likely to be carrying a folder at any given time. The best knife is the one you have with you when you need it. And yes, I believe a determined man with a 4" razor sharp blade can can do plenty of damage to man or beast if that's what is required:)

The AR or GB are super strong no doubt...
I own one.
I carry a fixed blade every day in addition to a folder,
BUT I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6
Which is why I also EDC my H&K USP 45 Compact.
I have yet to get a strider folder, but they strike me as able to take just about anything.I have a feeling I'll get one before too long.

I'm confident I can snap it open without any worry.
It doesn't effect them.
If it does, we replace the bump stop and it goes away.
No, don't take the thing apart. Clean it w/ break cleaner. It works great.

As far as I know...there are hundreds of thousands of folding knives being carried, as we speak, by living people.
I think Mr Bill Bagwell makes a lot of great stuff. He's a true artist. But as far as I know, he has never used a knife in battle. Which, in my opinion, makes his statement invalid.
I wonder where you would hide that 11 incher?Ive got one and I have a hell of a time hiding it! :)

The fact is, you can't carry the thing. Even on your gear. Its too damn big. You simply don't need it. Its much like the .50 thing. Everyone thinks they are cool. Most combatents carry .223.

Would I choose a folder over fixed? Of course not. I carry a fixed blade daily, not always a folder.

Remember, the very best fighting knife there is, is the one in your possession.

Talk to you soon

A big fixed blade might be the best way to stop someones heart or cut off their head but I bet a AR would put an eye out in a hurry. LOL.
I felt that Bitch Slap all the way to my house.

strider 4112 turned out to be jonLL that turned out to be a troll...
He was banned.
Originally posted by Kampfjaeger
Also as an addendum to the question... Is the AR designed to be able to be easily disassembled/reassembled for maintenance?

I think if you have the proper tools it might be ok. I have had my AR for 1 week now and have yet to need to clean it. I have used it just about everyday.

The context of the question is important to remeber, every AR or GB can be taken apart. Should everyone do it? No, but you seem to have the correct tools, so the job is easier. How is your action? Smoother after taking it apart? Did you notice any play after dis-assembly/ re-assembly?
Originally posted by Mick Strider
It doesn't effect them.
If it does, we replace the bump stop and it goes away.
No, don't take the thing apart. Clean it w/ break cleaner. It works great.


As an additon to this the AR or GB for that matter is not a "fragil" Knife in any way. My AR is only folder in the world that I would trust totally and for any use... that includes prying, punctur of car roofs or similar metals. The Strider AR Folder, that I own, is IMO and the opinon of others here on BF, the HumVee of folders.

well imho flicking a strider, even a lowly buck/strider, wont hurt a thing - do it to mine all the time w/no probs - flicks pretty well to i may add - as far as fixed/vs folder, i dont think ya can do better than the strider/buck strider series of folders they are tanks, i dont really think i could do anything w/a fixed blade i cant w/a folder like a strider,w/in reason of course, if i was gonna carry a 11" bowie, i would instead carry ANOTHER glock 33 which is much better imho than any bowie around for serious social use,,,,,at least for what i would need it for
