FMA in PA?

May 2, 2006
Hi everyone...I'm a newbie who just took a great introduciton "Defensive Knive" class that was Kali-based. It has sparked my interest in furthering my education in the FMA arts. Can anyone tell me if they know of any FMA schools in the Philadelphia area?

Thanks Joe. Question: Do they have a physical school? Everything on their website suggest they only do seminars.

You know, I'm not really sure. They have a public forum on their website though. That would be the best place to ask.

This school is in the same group of Inosanto Schools that I belong to. I would check out a class at their place. Jeff Jones is the instructor, and he's an all around great guy. My Sifu trained with him and highly recommended him to me since I'm looking to move to the Trenton area and wanted to continue both my JKD training and Kali classes.
Authentic FMA coming to the Philly suburbs this October, 2007. My wife will be doing her medical residency training in Norristown, PA so I will be relocating from Honolulu this September and will be living in the area for the next 3 years. One of my students recently posted a clip on of a demo given at our latest awards ceremony held in May. This may give you a preview of what we do. Search for Malaya Martial Arts.
