For the Peace Lovers out there.

Go get 'em boys! You watch, the spineless French will be on our side before this is done. And they will say, "What? We were with you all along! Now about that oil.....":barf:
:barf: French....:grumpy:

edited: Okay, maybe some French persons disagree with their own

:barf: French Politicians....:grumpy:
What did Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common?

Both wondered where the @$#&! the Tomahawks came from!!!:eek: :cool: :D
I like most, truly prefer peace.

In this life and on this earth peace is not without price and freedom isn't free!

Pray for our troops and their families.
a quote from Gen. George S. Patton:

"I would rather have the German army in front of me, then the French army behind me" !!

...and he said that over 50 years ago ! Some things never change!

Boycott french products !! (not that they were any good anyway!)

You really should encourage stupid people to say stupid things. That way we'll know who they are so as to make it easier to ignore them thereby declaring them to be totally insignificant.
Run over an anti-war protestor for mommie.