Fuzz stick power of the RC-3

May 17, 2006
After much use I had to share another picture showing the whittling power of the RC-3. Whittling a wood match will show how sharp and how good the blade geometry is.







I sure am glad this knife came out!
I hate to be nosey but can I inquire about what kind of skills you acquired to get a knife with the Escuela on it.
They only made 9 like this with red liners. Skills required?
You must be able to take some bug bites, build and sleep in a swamp bed,navigate, build rafts, trap, eat some bugs, sing in the rain all with a big smile on your face.
Bear and the jungle got along really well ;)
Bear, did you do something to deliberately darken the scales, or is that just from use?
XMP that is just from use and dirt. I didn't really want to use that knife since it is 1 of 9 made. What is says has special meaning too but it is a tool and I think Mike and Jeff would rather me use their knife than keep it in a glass case. So would I.
XMP that is just from use and dirt. I didn't really want to use that knife since it is 1 of 9 made. What is says has special meaning too but it is a tool and I think Mike and Jeff would rather me use their knife than keep it in a glass case. So would I.

I think you nailed it, where it's from makes it all the more important to make it a user!

Thanks for the pics.
:thumbup: Excellent pictures bear...now on the next fuzzy stick pic can we get the blonde in the background..I mean fore ground and the fuzz stick farther out LOL :D.
Great pix Bear! Did you reprofile your edge w/ a belt sander? Those fuzz sticks look great - I've tried my hand at a few and they never turn out nearly that well!
Its just a matter of control. Some knives are near impossible to whittle with. Scandi and flat grinds are the best. Hollow grinds and thick 1/4" blades are not as whittle friendly. My TAK is a beast at whittling and it is 3/16" thick full flat grind.