Garth Vs. Jerry . . . . The Battle Of Cheese Curds!!!

Who has the best cheese curds?

  • Dairy Queen

  • A&W

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Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
I say that Dairy Queen has the best cheese curds while Garth claims that A&W (KFC) has the best.

So there it is. Help me put the youngster in his place on this life-altering issue!!!

If you don't have either of these fine food establishments in your area. . . . Vote for Dairy Queen!

Let's Drink!


Unless... are Garth and Jerry the cheese curds? Armed and armored to the T? Slicing and dicing with ketchup and bbq sauce everywhere?

There needs to be a Chicken Strip referee for this.

yes I eat my fried brown stuff with bbq sauce....
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I didn’t know either of those places have cheese curds! At least, I’ve never seen them to order in my area (central FL). I will have to check to see if they are available……..

Well, I’ll be! The DQ in my area does have them, but the KFC does not appear to. I’ll go get some a little later to try. That being said, the current King of Curds in these parts is Culver’s.
Sorry, no A&W In southern Ohio and KFC doesn’t have them.
Is this thread really about curds, or are we guessing the name of a new knife?
Perhaps something Stealth Hawky called a Dead Quiet?
You guys don't know what you are missing. :p

Found an A&W, but it’s a bit out of my “area”. I’m not sure when I’ll be out that way. However, there is a DQ just around the corner, so, guess what I had lunch? If you guessed tasty cheese curds, you’d be correct! Now, I can only compare them to Culver’s at the moment, and they are quite different. The DQ curds have a meltier, slightly greasy cheese. The Culver’s curds has a denser cheese that actually squeaks, which is what I expect from a cheese curd. The DQ curds are kind of like mini cheese sticks. They’re super gooey, and stay warm longer. I must say, I like them. Do I like them as much as Culver’s? No, but that isn’t what this thread is all about. Since we’re talking DQ vs A&W, and there’s only one in my immediate area, I have no choice but to vote for Dairy Queen per the stated rules of this poll. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. Sorry, Garth. The rules were stacked against you.
KFC obviously they put popcorn chicken in it.. our kfc are attached to taco time and DQs to orange julius. Makes for a tough time i always end up with 4 combos from 2 different places
cheese curds should only be made with "squeaky" cheese, period

those things from Culvers has yellow cheese Blech

I am not 100% sure on either I will have to try them.

I will C maybe I SAW what Jerry C's or what Garth SAW (I can be influenced hint hint )