Get Progunner out of the dog house sale!

Bump up to the top. What's the matter guys? Do I have them a little too high? Make me a reasonable offer via email, you never know. :)
A note about the DCBB SJ. Paradiggum pointed out something I didn't even think twice about. This thing has the grinds of the LE rather than the full flat grind of most of your 1/4" SJs. Just something I thought I might mention.
Yeah, you definitely have some "pink" ones in you collection don't ya ;)

Come on folks, what do I have to do to get these things into your hands? :)
Holy Crappin' Thunder!!! :eek:

And no, I'm not freaking kidding. I haven't checked in here in a while and Holy Crappin' Thunder!!! I can't believe some of these haven't gone away yet.

The Badger Attack, not only rare configuration, but on of the all time best edc's. I may have to jump on that freakin' force one if something I have in the works goes thru. I shouldn't but may have too.

If it hasn't been said before, Progunner is one of the first guys I would ever go to if I wanted to buy a knife. His descriptions are dead on and the service is above all.

Maybe I need some sleep, but the above is true. Oh yeah, if you have someone in mind that is serving in the Military and about to be deployed, a tali-whacker would suit them. ;) Trust me :D