Photos Get Your Glow On


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Feb 28, 2003
Dan Eastland was kind enough to send me some glow scales for the tweeners, since I jokingly mentioned that purple would be a good thing...

He had purple ;)

Here they are:

710 provided the sheath, typical good work too

Thanks guys!



Dan Eastland was kind enough to send me some glow scales for the tweeners, since I jokingly mentioned that purple would be a good thing...

He had purple ;)

Here they are:

710 provided the sheath, typical good work too

Thanks guys!



Are they edible? :D
Yep, I want to hate them, but I cannot. solid work!
They look like they have a texture to them. I see lines/grooves. I don't hate them at all, they just reminded me of jello with fruit. I'm more of a muted/earth tone kinda person is all.
Very nice work, scales and sheath for sure. Warrior hit the nail on the head, it reminds me too of jello with fruit. In the dark though they look pretty cool. :cool:
Yes I love it! I've always loved glow in the dark stuff since I was a kid.
They look like they have a texture to them. I see lines/grooves. I don't hate them at all, they just reminded me of jello with fruit. I'm more of a muted/earth tone kinda person is all.

they are pretty solid, with their own liners, in effect.

definitely some radial like grooves. smooth, and feels good :D
Thanks bladite for the headsup on these scales. They most definitely have a use. Dark tent, camper, night stand.
Thanks bladite for the headsup on these scales. They most definitely have a use. Dark tent, camper, night stand.

i've seen a few glow handles...

these are unique. i'm surprised, and impressed beyond words.

mmm mmm mmm
Yes, these are really cool scales!
I like the purple a lot!
I had a chance to check them out at the gathering and talk to Dan about them.
The liners are there to somewhat reflect the glow. He discovered that the lighter background makes it stand out more. They are CNC milled so there is a bit of a texture from the natural lines the bit leaves. Pics don't do them justice. I have a little sample chunk he gave away somewhere around here that's fun to play with.
I think that info is correct... the mind can get clouded on half moon ridge
Great stuff from a really great guy!
Do you know if he has these for full size Beckers? I only see Tweeners on his website.