"happy Holidays !"

You too, Lew!!

And everyone else here, too...

I hope everyone gets a special little "smaller than a breadbox" present that makes you bleed with joy!!!
Back at ya' bud.............

And same goes out to everyone in our little (well, not so little anymore) extended family here at the Balisong forums.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year from everyone at BalisongXtreme (makes it sound like more than just me here, doesn't it?)

/me wishes with all my might I open a nice little package with the name "Dobruski" on it. Anyone heard of those? :D:D

Seriously though, I'm expecting a 47blk from my grandpa. We'll see how it turns out. Wish me luck.
Happy holidays to all. And I hope this comes true for everyone:

Here's to wishing that we all find our dream bali. And that the next one after that is even better.
May next year be better than this one for all us bali-hunters and God Bless America!!!
god bless _america_?! there are other natianalities here too, you know, you conceited pig! ;)
just kidding, god bless every one, since it's christmas and all.

happy hollidays. may you all get nice balis from santa.
(and just so you know, americans (and perhaps some others too, which i don't know of): as you have to wait until 25. december to unpack your lazer bats, i can fully legally do it at the 24., so neener neener. :p)
I want my Laser-Bat-Blade Nowww!!!!!

P>S> Bah Humbug!!!

(edited for humbug content)
Originally posted by blade_420
I want my Laser-Bat-Blade Nowww!!!!!
hehehe. move to norway, and you can get it 1 day before the rest. :D
what laser-bat blade is it, btw? a 3" ccc to $5? :p
blade_420: what do you call that blade profile on the knife in the first link? straight bowie? ;)
happy holidays to all you nuts! ;)

may your christmas be full of clicks, clacks, and the inevitable 'ouches'
Thanks Lew..., and the same to all you guys for a fun year of chat and Lazer-Bat-Blade hunting!!

Hope everyone has a restful and peaceful one.....

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Merry Christmas Balisong Forum!! Merry Christmas you wonderful old building and loan you! Merry Christmas Mr. Potter! Merry Christmas!!