Happy Independence Day!

james terrio

Sharpest Knife in the Light Socket
Apr 15, 2010
I could not possibly say it better than my friend and mentor Ethan Becker, so I will simply quote him here:

Ethan Becker said:
Tomorrow, when I gleefully celebrate the Fourth of July, my cheers are for the birth of the experiment that has created the greatest engine for human good and human happiness in the history of our planet.

This incredibly successful endeavor in self-governance was launched two hundred and thirty eight years ago by what, in retrospect, turned out to be some amazingly wise men. Unlike many seemingly wise men with big ideas, they were men of common sense and great practicality, with an understanding of their fellow man virtually unique in history. How incredibly lucky we are to have had our country dreamed up by these men.

There have been bumps and potholes along the road, some pretty significant, especially of late, but my recent experiences in self-government, as viewed through the prism of my association with Knife Rights, is that yes, there are still intelligent legislators in many states and therefore there is still hope that the grand experiment is viable and may very well have a bright future.

That Knife Rights, with almost no staff, a few volunteers and relatively little money has accomplished so much in eight short years is nothing less than amazing to me. Only in America could so few people, with minimal resources and, in the beginning, no contacts and no clout, be able to have so much of a positive effect. And, no bloodshed, either! It is true that what we have asked from our legislator friends is commonsensical, but in other countries that would most likely not be enough. In many places the powerful would not care to listen and many would want bribes.

Here, in our imperfect, but still flourishing republic, Knife Rights is able to find interested legislators, help them to craft both legislation and the practical arguments supporting that legislation, and then provide lobbying assistance needed to move things along. Bingo--success! Only in America, and only because of those dreams that founded our country 238 years ago and the generosity of many of you reading this. It really is astounding when you stop to think about it.

So, the country we are so privileged to live in may lack perfection, but because of a 238-year-old dream, backed up by a lot of guts and a few guns, pikes, swords and knives, there are still ways to get good things done. That gives me hope for the future.

This Fourth, as you enjoy the holiday, please reflect on this dream that we all work hard to retain and improve. It only still lives because we share that dream of the founders; a land of opportunity for those who are willing to work for success and happiness. And, please also take a moment to give thanks for those who have sacrificed so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms--liberties that do not come free.

Time for a grilled burger, a brew and some fireworks and...THREE CHEERS FOR THE U.S.A...HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!

-- Ethan Becker

As we celebrate and appreciate our liberty this weekend, please join me in supporting KnifeRights and the American Knife and Tool Institute! Your voice matters, and your involvement makes a difference. :thumbup: