Hey, Daniel, what's the status of you laminate knives?

Feb 23, 2007
You made from G-10 a while back if I recall correctly and you were carrying it for testing. How's it holding it and do you have plans to produce any later?
It's still holding up very well and will be destruction tested here eventually. I'm waiting to go to New Mexico for small explosives for the finale. (seriously) :D

Right now my game plan is to knock out my orders and sell some knives. Once that is done I will know if I can afford my mill. That will dictate my winter plan as I am hoping to make folders by Christmas if it all goes well. If so I will also be able to dedicate some of my time to some laminate knives and hopefully 2 other designs I have planned as EDC's. (my avatar knife being one) Once my order list is complete I will have the freedom to do more of these things, I stopped taking orders about a year ago and am still finishing up.

In other words, I'll sell lots of knives and if I can sell them fast enough I think I will have lots of brand new gear by the end of the year.

WAR line too... but that will be after the ones I mentioned.
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