Honestly, do you edc a fixed blade?

Jul 19, 2011
First off, I got my first JK a couple of weeks ago and I love it. It's an anniversary edc with a kydex sheath and a teclock clip. I'll try to make this short and sweet. I've already run into several situations where I'm getting unwanted attention. I've never edc'd a fixed blade before, only a folder.

My question is this. Do you edc a fixed blade? If so how do you do it? Do you put it in your pocket in public or do you thumb your nose at the rest of the world and rock it right there on your hip? Am I being unrealistic in trying to edc a fixed blade outside of the woods?

Any imput would be appreciated.
I EDC a fixed blade everyday - and no one ever knows it. Get a better sheath than one with a teklock, put it IWB, and none will be the wiser.
I carry mine IWB attached to my belt with a spyderco g-clip. No one can tell I have it. Is kydex an option for all of his knives?
I used to wear one IWB but never seemed to need it. Then I switched to a hefty folder...same thing. I am never without my trusty SAK, even though I'd probably be reprimanded for it at work if discovered. I have the hefty folder in my BOB in my truck. And I am reconsidering the fixed EDC...
I often EDC a fixed blade. I go front pocket in a sheath with a heavy duty gun clip on it. I make them my self. The blade rides deep, and just the top of the handle shows. I live in a state with carry laws that are a bit vague, and make a point about concealing any weapon apparently capable of causing serious bodily harm.

I don't worry about traditional slip joints, but try to make sure any fixed blade is not "concealed"
I would definitely be careful about carrying a fixed blade, especially considering your location.
Illinois knife laws say nothing about carrying one, as long as it is under 3" but there may be some restrictions near the greater Chicago area.
There hasn't been much reason for me to carry a fixed blade. I can handle most of my every day cutting tasks with a slip joint.
However, when I am not around people who may cause a fuss, you bet I've got a fixed blade in my back pocket.
I always carry one. Actually two. One is my keychain Tin Knife. The other varies. I carry it on my left hip but I wear loose clothes that cover it and I get no attention at all.
I do not normally, but I occasionally do if I get the jones.

I noticed fixed blades being more common out west than here in the midwest or in the east.

I have carried a fixed in my back pocket in a sheath and that works out ok, but then when driving I remove the knife from my pocket.

I do prefer a folding blade with a pocket clip.


At all times, I have a Battle Mistress concealed within my underwear. Sure, I get a few strange looks every now and then, especially when I'm wearing my Speedo, but who cares? Screw the sheeple. This is America!!!
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Never used one as an EDC, though I used to carry a CRKT Dragon concealed occasionally (in addition to my EDC folder). I didn't really carry it IWB, but rather between my belt and waistband. It just brings the knife closer to your body and prevents it from printing as easily, but still allows easy access. Of course, I stopped doing so when I took a closer look at the knife laws in my state. The law excepts knives from the "deadly weapons" category only if they are folding knives. We can open carry whatever the heck we want, but I have never tried carrying a fixed blade openly anywhere but the hunting club. And I can count on one hand the times I have seen a guy out and about open carrying a fixed blade. In fact, the other guys in my hunting club just leave their knives in their backpack or truck. They never actually carry one on their person.
I've heard that in the disaster on 9/11 a lot of people lost their lives because they couldn't open the doors in their offices to escape. The structural damage to the building caused the doors to bind. This is a great example of where most people wouldn't normally carry a stout fixed blade - at work in the office. I think about what that must have been like for them, and what difference it might have made if more people had any tool that could pry open a door or break through a wall. I don't know if it would have made a difference or not, but it sure made me consider what I EDC and where.

I don't open carry(nobody needs to know my business), but I always carry, and I carry no less than a stout, hard tested, full tang knife.

You should do what works for you. This is just my two cents on the subject. But I hope it does give you some food for thought. Have a great day!
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I do pretty regularly, I don't at work (it's a university after all) but when i get home, on the weekends etc. I have a horizontal sheath for an anniversary edc and sued to carry that around but not as often as the JKTK in a homemade horizontal sheath, i've also put the JKTK in a regular carry sheath and edc'ed it, here it's important not to conceal it (one of the few restrictions on knives here is to not conceal it unless you have a permit to carry concealed weapons.) I used to do the same with an izula and BK!! (both gone the way of the sales forum now).honestly I've never had any attention because of it, not even good attention :p

I'd make sure you follow the law before anything else, if you get attention and you don't like it, then it may be better to carry a folder unless your in a woodsy



just for fun
Personally, I don`t believe in carrying a knife. ;) In reality, I usually cary a SAK or stockman folder, I use those alot during the day for work. I go to the bank and post office too often to chance carrying a fixed blade.
I regularly carry an ESEE 4 with a tek-lok or a BHK Hunter with a leather pouch sheath. Neither are completely hidden, but I have never gotten attention from carrying them. The only time I switch to a folder only is if I go over to Ohio.
I carry a fixed blade and a folder almost daily. Its only almost because occasionally, today in fact, I swap the fixed blade for a "modern" style folder (today an orange BM Griptillian). The other folder is always a camp knife, sometimes a SAK today a 60's vintage Camillus (carbon).

The fixed blades are a rotation between a JK Fieldmate, JK " Snubnose" and a Boker Krein Pocket Bowie. I sometimes use the fixed blade at my desk for cutting up fruit and whatnot but I can always grab the folder as well so as not to offend the less knowledgable.

As far as blade length and legality goes, I do believe that there was an ordinance passed in Chicago limiting blade length to 2". I have not heard any stories of enforcement of that ordinance though. Kind of odd, I can have a bag of "giggle spinach" and get a small ticket but a 3" knife lands me in jail? Seems kind of out of whack!
I carry a fixed blade and a folder almost daily. Its only almost because occasionally, today in fact, I swap the fixed blade for a "modern" style folder (today an orange BM Griptillian). The other folder is always a camp knife, sometimes a SAK today a 60's vintage Camillus (carbon).

The fixed blades are a rotation between a JK Fieldmate, JK " Snubnose" and a Boker Krein Pocket Bowie. I sometimes use the fixed blade at my desk for cutting up fruit and whatnot but I can always grab the folder as well so as not to offend the less knowledgable.

As far as blade length and legality goes, I do believe that there was an ordinance passed in Chicago limiting blade length to 2". I have not heard any stories of enforcement of that ordinance though. Kind of odd, I can have a bag of "giggle spinach" and get a small ticket but a 3" knife lands me in jail? Seems kind of out of whack!

that literally made me laugh out loud. never heard that one. that's great. as others have mentioned, my EDC is a Vic Farmer. i tend to lose that occasionally for a couple weeks. when i do, i have carried a small fixed blade EDC (2.5" blade) in a pocket sheath in my front pocket. it is a great little knife, but the footprint is definitely more bulky, and it is hard for me to replace my SAK.

lately though, i have been considering going to a one-hand opener though....i like the Spyderco Sage 1. i can also get the fixed blade out with one hand. so, this is a good post. i will continue to read the responses.
I often pocket carry EDC...as I do my handguns. Although open carry is allowed, I prefer to keep my stuff out of sight.

For example...


I edc a fixed blade pretty much everyday. unless I just happen to be in a hurry and forget. I neck carry though and no one notices. I will ask this question of you though. do you really think your getting unwanted attention or are you just being a bit paranoid as you haven't carried a fixed blade before?

I'll give you a example of what I mean. I have two friends. one of them is a huge open carry guy (Indiana is ok with either or) he open carries everywhere he goes, the bank, restaurants, anywhere he is out and about he has his pistol on his hip and it's always visible. I hang out with him pretty often and nobody ever seems to notice or if they do they don't care that he is open carrying. I think it has to do with him attitude. he acts completely natural not drawing attention to it ect. never have any problems.

My second friend really wants to open carry based of his beliefs and training he thinks he is quicker to draw and put the pistol into action with out having to move his shirt ect. he also has other beliefs about preventing crime and all that stuff (note this thread is not a discussion of those beleifs) he however acts kinda nervous when he does it and does seem as laid back about it and people always notice it when he is carrying. he isn't acting suspicious or anything but he notices it and I think it causes other people to notice it, if that makes sense.

I use my knife as a tool (and weapon as a last resort) so I keep it easily accessible at all times and don't worry about what people say or notice. if it's used in a responsible way and for it's intended purposes the vast majority of people never notice or care that you have it. this is all my opinion of coarse and I live in a very relaxed state.