Hospital Food


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2010
So John, hopefully things are on the upswing and you're well on your way to recovery and on your way out of there...if not, there are certain benefits to being in the controlled environment of the hospital. Jello, salisbury steak patties, and succotash are just a few. Make the best of it, as I am sure they are better than this home-prepared meal (no JK blades were harmed in this meal prep).

Hope you are doing better!

As I struggle agian to figure out attachments.


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I think the octopus reminds him of all the nurses probing and prodding to get stuff done. šŸ˜ Nothing like waking him at 3:00 AM to tell him they will be back in 20 minutes to take more blood samples. The nurses really do a great job, hope they are kind and you do not have a German drill sergeant one!!
So John, hopefully things are on the upswing and you're well on your way to recovery and on your way out of there...if not, there are certain benefits to being in the controlled environment of the hospital. Jello, salisbury steak patties, and succotash are just a few. Make the best of it, as I am sure they are better than this home-prepared meal (no JK blades were harmed in this meal prep).

Hope you are doing better!

As I struggle agian to figure out attachments.

when you say figure out the attachments, are you referring to the octopusā€™s arms attaching to the knife and preventing you from preparing IT for dinner? I am a SUCKER for a good fish story!! šŸ¤Ŗ
Ha, I didn't think of the constant prodding; I swear I have witnessed some nurses though who seem to have 8 arms in how quickly and efficiently they get done with what they need to.

I also discovered that the proprietary JK heat treat makes the poor octopi curl up in fear, so no attachments that way.
...just finished 31 days in the hospital; following a bad-ass stroke that turned me into a gimp.
Not satisfied but will learn to live with it; got back about half of my left side of body.
But, the food was good; the care and phys therapy was excellent; nice, caring people.
I still have my wonderful wife; super puppy-dog and Florida weather.
Sounds like I'm pretty lucky!
Sonnydaze Sonnydaze it's great you can see the positive things and not focus on the negative. Prayers and best wishes for continued improvement.
We know someone who suffered a major stroke several years ago. He may not be the same man he was before but he is doing a hell of a lot better than the doctors said he would.