How bad is my batch ?

This website came up in a Dutch healthcare workers Telegram group (my wife is a pharmacy tech), and since much of the info concerns the US i post the link here as well.

Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.
One hears rumors. Interesting site. Thanks for the link.
The front page of this website states:
**Displays number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/lot number = indication of relative toxicity of one batch/lot compared to another
And indeed that seems to be the gist of the whole site.

The problem is that it's a competely baseless assertion. In general there is no evidence of a causal relationship for effects recorded in VAERS, as it clearly states on their website in the "Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data":
When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.

Presenting VAERS data as though the deaths, disabilities,and illnesses reported are caused by vaccines is at best irresponsible and at worst malicious.
The front page of this website states:

And indeed that seems to be the gist of the whole site.

The problem is that it's a competely baseless assertion. In general there is no evidence of a causal relationship for effects recorded in VAERS, as it clearly states on their website in the "Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data":

Presenting VAERS data as though the deaths, disabilities,and illnesses reported are caused by vaccines is at best irresponsible and at worst malicious.
A correlation does not prove causation, much like rising CO2 and rising temperatures.
Is the same objection raised against this raised against that?
One could multiply such examples of selective "science".

If substantial serious side effects were reported in relation to any drug and this were merely dismissed as a correlation and someone saying the data warrant further inquiry is called irresponsible or malicious, then the person saying that is the one truly irresponsible or malign.
The purpose of Vaers is to gather broad raw preliminary data for further investigation and research precisely because correlations may signal side effects caused by drugs or related to drugs, not merely these vaccines, and as we have discussed at length in PA, almost all drugs do turn out to have side effects not anticipated or discovered by trials and models, and some of these do turn out to be serious; and even where they are "rare", when hundreds of millions of people are involved even rare effects can affect many thousands.

Obviously the Vaers data prove nothing except that further investigation and research are called for and those who pontificate about either the absolute safety or toxicity of any drug without a full investigation of such data are both either irresponsible or malign. I do not use the term malicious because there is so much vested interest and bias on both sides of the issue.

Those of us who expect impartial and objective science have learned, to our grief, that if there is such a thing it certainly is not in the mainstream, and again we discuss that at greater length in PA because the culprit is the politicization of science and all forms of media, which we cannot go into here.
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Not baseless if you do some digging.
It's baseless because the website's claims are not backed up by the data they use. If there is data which supports their claims somewhere else then they should cite it, rather than misrepresenting VAERS data.

If substantial serious side effects were reported in relation to any drug and this were merely dismissed as a correlation and someone saying the data warrant further inquiry is called irresponsible or malicious, then the person saying that is the one truly irresponsible or malign.
I never said there was anything wrong with wanting further inquiry, and indeed that's something which the CDC does if warranted (source:
Their misrepresentation of data is what I take issue with.
Robert Malone! On his LinkedIn bio it says he invented MRNA vaccines.

Of course my LinkedIn bio says I'm he rightful King of Sweden & Denmark.

Kinda feels like you can say whatever you want there,,,
While they are exaggerated, his claims are not without merit. It appears he did some important work in the field of mRNA injections back in the 80s and 90s.

While they are exaggerated, his claims are not without merit. It appears he did some important work in the field of mRNA injections back in the 80s and 90s.

Guess if I claim I'm the King of France that would be exaggerated but "not without merit" too as I've traced my ancestry back to Charlemagne. 😂
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Robert Malone did some of the first work in mRNA vaccine development and holds patents in that technology.

If anything, the VAERS data is conservative. According to testimony presented before the Texas Legislature, many GP doctors are not aware of its existence. There are multiple reports of how laborious and time consuming it is to file a report in VAERS. Both of these limit the number of reports that are filed. Plus, only issues which can be temporally tied to vaccination get reported. It's been found that the vaccine components stay in the body for some 6 months. Issues that arise that long after the vaccination won't be reported to VAERS.
Everybody I know is vaccinated, nobody has had any ill effects from the vaccine. Don't be scaredy cats!!
I indirectly know several people who have suddenly developed pulmonary issues within weeks of vaccination and were reported to VARES .
There are enough women who have developed menstrual issues after vaccination that even Yahoo is reporting it. Naturally they are pushing the story that it's not serious.
Let's see how that one plays out over the next few years. It's known that the vaccine does end up in a woman's ovaries.

Three of my direct acquaintances have developed cancer or heart issues within months of vaccination. Insufficient temporal connection, so they were not reported to VARES and in truth, may not be connected. But it makes you think.
Robert Malone did some of the first work in mRNA vaccine development and holds patents in that technology.

If anything, the VAERS data is conservative. According to testimony presented before the Texas Legislature, many GP doctors are not aware of its existence. There are multiple reports of how laborious and time consuming it is to file a report in VAERS. Both of these limit the number of reports that are filed. Plus, only issues which can be temporally tied to vaccination get reported. It's been found that the vaccine components stay in the body for some 6 months. Issues that arise that long after the vaccination won't be reported to VAERS.
VAERS states that what is reported to them is less than 1% of reactions and death that have occurred!
The thing is that the info on that website i linked to is in agreement with my wife's experiences as a 20+ year senior pharmacy tech in our local hospital, otherwise she would never even told me about it.
The govenment organisation that keeps track of medication side effects in the Netherlands is called LAREB, and reporting anything with them is like trying to swim in melasse (her words, my translation): very time consuming to do, with lots of difficult forms to fill out.
Due to this a lot of side effects are never reported, thus seemingly comparable to what Knarfeng stated about VAERS in the US.

Both me and her are very pro-vaccination (i've had a gazillion of them during my service in the Dutch armed forces), but these Covid jabs seem to produce so many serious side effects that it can no longer be ignored.
Not only two of her hospital pharmacy colleagues suffered from them (one 38 year old had to be reanimated directly after her shot, the other one developed an aggressive cancer at the injection spot (the doctors had never seen it before), and after cutting away most of her left tricep the next day (i saw the pictures) it was found that the cancer had already spread to her back muscles; she died the following week).
Edit: This seems to be still under investigation; the doctors think there is indeed a link to the jab, but at the moment they do not know if the cancer was already there and the jab only accellerated it, or that the cancer was entirely instigated by the jab.
Next to this she sees that most of the ICU patients in her hospital are double vaxxed and boostered (between 60 and 80 percent) which is in direct contradiction to the Dutch government narrative.
Sadly there's much more, but that would take too long to write down.
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Not enough people are looking into these EUA experimental shots! I have heard so many stories of people developing aggressive Cancer from them. Also people who were in remission for years have seen their cancer come back aggressive and kill them within months. I'll tell one thing for certain I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS SHOT!
This website came up in a Dutch healthcare workers Telegram group (my wife is a pharmacy tech), and since much of the info concerns the US i post the link here as well.

Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.
I never took the vax... my country is still taking away a lot of freedoms from me because I'm not vaxxed... but I made my coice and I plan to stick to it no matter the cost.
Statistics are hard. I sat through a talk by a statistician to a bunch of docs about why they shouldn't do medical studies without having a statistician on staff. It's shockingly common for papers to get published without a trained statistician taking anything more than a cursory glance at it, and often not even then. It's usually just one of the authors trying to remember the one class they took in the second year of their medical degree. Humans really don't handle large numbers well. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to do better, it's that we should understand everyone's motivations and maybe factor all of that in.

Point is, some of this is getting scrutiny that we've never had available going unfiltered into the public sphere, and some of it is active misinformation. I know I'm not smart or educated enough to pick it all apart. The thing that disturbs me is not that people don't want to get the shot. I get that, I understand people being untrusting. What I'm not okay with is people who then feel it's alright to go about their lives like they cannot possibly be causing illness or death to someone else. Anyone would be mad at their neighbor for spraying agent orange on his property if they were downwind and downstream, though it's his "right" to do what he wants to his land. This might be a bit particular to where I live, where there isn't aggressive protest around, but also a major lack of compliance and a limit to hospital availability. I also know people who got scared by the anti-science about how the vaccine works and who may end up paying a very high price for it. I know one person who is unvaxed because they have other medical concerns, and are actively taking precautions to not get sick, and to avoid passing it on. (I don't know many people to be fair) but by far and away the attitude is "you can't make me, I'll do what I want". I don't want to assign that to anyone unfairly, but it's tough.

Two years in and apart from the vax talk, since it wasn't a factor then, every talking point from anyone of influence in 1916-1918 has been used. Time is a flat circle. We learn a lot, and yet, somehow it often seems that we tread the same path expecting a different destination.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. If we had a functioning school system every adult would already be aware of this logical fallacy. {Sigh} I guess the bright side is that a ton of product liability lawyers have made themselves multi-millionaires by screening for jurors who cannot grasp or will not accept this simple concept. "See, my cousin did this and then ya know what happened to him later? Blah, blah, blah." 🤮