How does C-75 compare to standard 1095

Sep 1, 2007
I recently purchased a Boker Appaloosa bone congress (I'm anxiously waiting for it to show up) and was wondering about the C-75 steel listed for the blades. I have a 7474 finger groove stockman that I really like - takes a scary edge and holds it well - a little searching here and I found out that it uses 1095 at Rc 59. Does anyone here have any experience with this C-75 steel? Is it 1075 (or equivalent, as the name implies) and what hardness are they running it at? I'm looking forward to trying it out but I'd like to have an idea what expect. If the actual bone looks anything like the pictures I may have to get the whole series - its a beautiful material! Thanks!
I have several Boker slipjoints that use the C75 steel.
Everything I've heard and read over the years points to it being 1075.

It gets very sharp and holds its edge for a good long time.

I don't know the exact hardness Boker runs it at, but it seems to be in the mid-hi 50's as one might expect.
If I didn't know which steel by Bokers were I'd have a hard time telling the 1095s from the C-75s.

Thanks for the replies! My congress should be here in the next couple of days and I'm looking forward to some serious whittling. This is my first congress pattern (most of my knives are stockman patterns) so not only do I get to learn a new steel but a new pattern as well. I really like my Boker stockman, so much that I've ordered another Boker stockman as a backup. Great info - thanks to all!
To be honest, I do not know, if I would notice a big difference between 1095 and C-75, when using it.

Both are pretty good steels