how many BF Natives...

Feb 11, 1999
... can fit on the head of a pin? No, wait, that's another cliche (or somthing or other

Real question: How many BF Natives are left, in what blade styles?

Work hard, play hard, live long.

O_D - You`d most likely get a better response posting this in "The Store Forum" Spark could tell you what`s left.
Enough of each that we're not going to run out anytime soon. Buy all you want, I won't stop you!


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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This constantly amazes me. I have no idea why people aren't just snapping the BF Native up. To all those who're on the fence, I know you will be pleased with the knife.

I know the price is high compared to some of the Spyderco knives, but this is easily justified. Not only are the steel and handles made of better materials, the fit and finish are excellent (beyond normal factory folders, I think) ...there is also definitely a collectors value.
Since I seem to keep bringing this up (don't know why, just curious), I'll let you know... I already own one. I love it, but it is a user. I keep thinking about getting a second one, either as a collector, or as a back-up user. Just can't afford a second one right now.

Thanks for the replies. Spark, if they last long enough, I will probably take another one or two off your hands. And if they don't, well, you won't care then...
It really is a great knife.

Work hard, play hard, live long.

I think that the lack of sales of the BF native has pretty much ruined the chances of future forum designed knives. This is truly sad. The time and energy expended by Spyderco to produce this knife for us has been nearly wasted. Not to mention the time and energy spent by Spark and Mike Turber. Alot of this has to do with the "something for nothing" attitude of us forumites. We begged for the 440v and the fancy G10, and then expected to pay 50 bucks for the knife. Oh well, lesson learned.

For those who pushed for the knife, then balked at the price, it is truly worth the money. For those who don't know about the BF native, it is a well built knife and the purchase of it will help support the forums here. For everyone else, I am still trying to convince my fiance that it should be the "something Blue" for our wedding...
...but she does not want to carry it on her garter...darn...


It is not a matter of whether or not you are paranoid, it is a matter of whether or not you are paranoid enough.

AKTI # A000348
Just out of curiousity, how big was the production run of the BF Native? Seems weird that the scary-big Sifu`s sold out in a few days, but a daily carry type knife like the Native isn`t moving! (Not to mention the Sifu is almost twice as expensive!)

Even though I`m not a huge fan of the Native, I`d really love to get my hands on some 440v. I think I`m going to have to bite the bullet, risk divorce and order one.

It`s the right thing to do.......
The BF Native predates my discovery of this forum, but did forumites really expect to get this knife at under $99?

I was just curious as to whether pricing (from whatever was planned initially) changed due to a drop in the quantity ordered. Or was the $50 figure mentioned just a reflection of the going price for a "street" Native.

It's far from money on the table, but FWIW, I'm planning to get one also.
There were initially 500 Natives made, 300 plain blade, 200 partially serrated, based IIRC on a survey of BF Members.

The price... well, the trouble with the price was this: In a thread that I may have started myself, I was asking about the BFNative, because it sounded so good. But, I was reluctant to sign up (reserve) one, as the price had not been stated, and I didn't want to sign up for a collectors item that may run upwards of $200, AFAIK. I think it was Sal (forgive me if this is incorrect) that chimed in and said he hoped to keep the cost under $75 per unit. Well, everyone jumped on that, thinking that was the ELU's final cost, less s&h. Myself included. Unfortunately, Sal was speaking of either the cost to make, or the cost to BladeForums Store. Either way, it wasn't ELU cost. Well, when they were released, the ELU cost was $99.95 + s&h, and that's when people started balking and bailing. I didn't, because I wanted this knife very badly. So, I bought one, and love it so much that I would LIKE to buy at least one more, but can't afford it right now. I did my part, though, and bought the one that I reserved.

I would HIGHLY recommend the knife to anyone, even though if they don't sell, I will eventually scrape enough money to buy a second.

Work hard, play hard, live long.

Since the search feature is down, could someone post the url for the relevant thread, re: the forumites designing of the BF Native?

BTW, let me say that it is an excellent knife! Great color, scary sharp blade, etc. After I'd had the plain edge a few days, I went ahead and ordered one with SpyderEdge.

I agree that the price differential between a normal Native and the BF Native may account for the slow sales. The Sifu isn't really a separate design, just a serial-numbered pre-production run. Likewise, I think the grey-handled Matriarch would sell well, since it would be just about the only way to get one outside of the target market (South Africa).
All I could do is suggest you look back to about February. Shouldn't be any earlier than that. I know, that's a long time, but can't point you any closer.

Work hard, play hard, live long.

The Normal Native and the Native might as well be two seperate knives, they just have similar blade geometry.

The Native has thicker handles, better scale material, better blade steel, and a different construction, all of which should have brought the cost for each knife to $150, not the $99.95 that it is being sold as.

Believe me, the knife is a bargain at the price it is, just adding the G-10 instead of the standard injection molded Zytel should have pushed the knife over $100, changing the steel and reengineering the whole knife added much more.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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Outlaw_Dogboy: you say that 200 were partially-serrated (combo edge), but the BF knife page only mentions plain and serrated (which I interpret to mean fully serrated).

Can you clarify this? I may opt for a plain or combo, but not fully-serrated model. Thanks.
Spark: I don't doubt that the two Natives are like from different oceans, nor that the BF version is well worth the price.

Price and value are not issues for me... I was just interested in the historical details.

I've read your economics treatise on the other infamous thread and enjoyed your summation on the priorities of ELUs, dealers and manufacturers... would make a good FAQ item if there were a place to put it
Wow! It`s pretty easy to see what happened here. It looks like the production run was estimated by the number of people who were ready to buy a $75 Native. I can see how we end up with so many leftovers.

I sort of have to agree with Spark on the economics. (Never thought I`d hear myself say that!) $99 is a steal for this knife, considering the components it has. Spyderco`s G-10 is particularly nice. And it`s nice to see something other than a black handle. And 440v? Forget about it! $99 is a deal and a half.
Well, that's why they call it lessons learned, right?

Lesson Learned: Never mention price unless it's nailed down and set in stone!

Anyhow, we'll see what happens with the other things we're working on right now...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Folks, I like the BF Native and have two. The knife is worth the money and begs to be used. Since I had some input into the color scheme, I feel responsible for following through on an order.

While there may have been a misunderstanding on "pricing", I think the price is nevertheless reasonable. I hope it would not screw up future BF projects though lessons can be learned. The sifu seems to be moving. Looking forward to that too. If that didn't move after all the clamoring, I would really be worried about future projects.

Anyway, I would think most if not all the BF natives will eventually go. If there are some plainedges left in next several months, I know I'll order at least one for a gift.
