Hunters. I would like your opinions on these pictures

Mar 13, 2006
these aren't mine, they're from anOTher forum I browse often. I feel like this is a good place where there are real sportsmen here and I would like to know your feelings on this.


Boar hunting with dogs goes way, way back. Just another way of hunting.
This is hunting wild boar with a knife .You need 5-6 well trained pig dogs. These dogs track then hold the pigs while the hunter runs up and kills the pig.It is a high risk hunt especially for poor quality dogs and poorly performing hunter. Properly done it's a very quick humane kill....The decision as to whether a hunt is sportsman like ,fair chase and humane depends on the individual and how he conducts himself !!!
Dogo Argentino (Also known as Argentinian Mastiff) doing catch work on hogs.

I'm somewhat against sending multiple catch dogs on a hog of that size, but it must be remembered that a pig that size moves QUICK, and many "dog killers" do not exceed the size of the pictured individual.

THe bottom picture is taken in a pen and is, I presume, of a catch dog being started. THis is now illegal for the most part in the US... One can use catch dogs in the wild throughout, but many states are against working hogs in a pen.
Probably the oldest way of hunting pigs. A very traditional way to hunt them, including killing them with a short spear or knife.

I note that the hunters have a good mix of dogs, some appear to be trailers to run the hog down, and some to hold the pig for the hunters.
Pigs are a nusance and a pest where they run wild. They will completely tear up any fence not made from at least 3" steel pipe, and will destroy fields and crops with their rooting. They have piglets 4 times per year and can have as many as 12 per litter. I am glad that some enterprising individuals have made a pest into a game animal sought after by sportsmen. Hunting them with dogs also seems to be a good use of the nature of the pitbull, and other agressive dogs.
Not sure what you're asking - what my feelings are about using dogs to hunt pigs? Personally, I don't have a problem with using dogs to run down a wild pig. They're extremely intelligent creatures and you're unlikely to bag one without the assistance of dogs.

I don't know much about hunting pigs with dogs but from what I do know I presume the pictures show the dogs being allowed to bite a hog after its been killed. Probably that's to give the dogs some satisfaction after chasing down dangerous prey so the next time they're taken out to hunt they'll be very motivated. Rewarding a dog for a good performance is the basis of training.
If the wife wasn't pregnant, and I had the spare cash.. I would love to do one of the knife hunts.. From what I understand, you gotta move quick. Those hogs can get loose in a second!
Not sure what you're asking - what my feelings are about using dogs to hunt pigs? Personally, I don't have a problem with using dogs to run down a wild pig. They're extremely intelligent creatures and you're unlikely to bag one without the assistance of dogs.

I don't know much about hunting pigs with dogs but from what I do know I presume the pictures show the dogs being allowed to bite a hog after its been killed. Probably that's to give the dogs some satisfaction after chasing down dangerous prey so the next time they're taken out to hunt they'll be very motivated. Rewarding a dog for a good performance is the basis of training.

I'm just asking the opinions of experienced hunters of a variety whom I beleive to keep things sporting. This just seems more brutal then sporting but I wanted to reserve my opinions because I know next to nothing about this subject.
I have never hunted wild Boar with, or without dogs so I can't say allot about it. The hunting I do with my Dog (Chocolate Labrador) is Duck, Goose, Pheasant, and Grouse where all he is doing is retrieving the catch for me.

I remember when I was about ten, I went on a cougar hunt with my Grandad, Father, and older Cousin. It was a weekend affair, and on Sunday Grandads dogs managed to tree a Cougar. We walked up and Grandad shot it out of the tree with his S&W revolver.

I remember telling Grandad that it didn't seem fair to the Cougar. He just replied " how in the hell do you think we would get one without the dogs?". I had no reply to that, but it made an impression on me.

I am a huge supporter to hunting, and hunters alike. To each his own on how they want to do it.
First impressions...

Yup, that's how dogs kill stuff. It seems like a lot of work to raise a pack of dogs and train them to hunt for you. You really have to be into it to do something like that. From hearing about this kind of hunting it is very hard on dogs.

From and ethical, clean kill, standpoint I can see how some people would be squeamish about this form of hunting. I wouldn't be into it personally but it doesn't bother me. Mankind has been harnessing animal instinct to hunt for us for a long time as was stated.

In an ethical sense how it is different to use a pack of dogs to kill a feral hog than to use a red tailed hawk to snag rabbits. We used to have a springer spaniel that was supposed to point, pounce, and flush. She would point, pounce, and, pin the bird to the ground. Snapped alot of bird necks that way.

I own two pit bulls down here. If someone jumps my wall at night they will wind up like that hog. I would not want to mess with that guys dogs! Bottom line, I don't have a problem with people going after feral hogs.

I killed a large hog Saturday. Two guys wrestled her out of the pen and I gave her one solid stab to the heart.
I don't really see a whole lot of difference from the pigs perspective. Mac
I don't believe it's too brutal. First, you have to understand that if these guys didn't kill the pig, something else would. I don't hunt pigs (no wild ones up here), but I've seen a couple hunting shows where they had it and it's not nearly as bad as what would happen in the wild.

For example, I was up at my buddies cottage around chrismas. When we were snowshoeing across the lake, I saw a half eaten deer that was torn to bits by wolves. It's much more gruesome then sticking a knife through the heart of the animal.

Before feeling bad about bloody shots of animals, just remember that cold, disease, drought all kills a lot more animals, and often in a drawn out way.

Dogos are pretty nice dogs, had a chance to see one on a Sch field once, put GSD to shame.
I'm just asking the opinions of experienced hunters of a variety whom I beleive to keep things sporting. This just seems more brutal then sporting but I wanted to reserve my opinions because I know next to nothing about this subject.

I always go for the quickest kill, even rabbits I try to head shoot. This type of hunting probably IS as old as mans first use of dogs. I see no ethical problem personally as long as the hunters aren't "Bubbas" that sit in a vehicle, popping open cans of bud, and getting their giggles watching the pig being mauled for half an hour. That would just be sadistic.
I always go for the quickest kill, even rabbits I try to head shoot. This type of hunting probably IS as old as mans first use of dogs. I see no ethical problem personally as long as the hunters aren't "Bubbas" that sit in a vehicle, popping open cans of bud, and getting their giggles watching the pig being mauled for half an hour. That would just be sadistic.

judging from some of the other pics I kinda think that is the case here. I don't want to post them though, they're not my pics and I don't even know these people and it has their faces.
judging from some of the other pics I kinda think that is the case here. I don't want to post them though, they're not my pics and I don't even know these people and it has their faces.

I wouldn't post those face pics. Go with your gut on these issues.
I'm just asking the opinions of experienced hunters of a variety whom I beleive to keep things sporting. This just seems more brutal then sporting but I wanted to reserve my opinions because I know next to nothing about this subject.

And it's more sporting to sit in a tree stand and shoot one from 300 meters away? I've never had the oppurtunity to do this type of hunt, but I can assure you that people get tore up every year in these. My opinion is that when you put you and your pets on the line to make a kill like that, you definately feel closer to the prey. Which in my book, gives you more respect for what your doing and how you do it. Just my .02 cents though.
And it's more sporting to sit in a tree stand and shoot one from 300 meters away? I've never had the oppurtunity to do this type of hunt, but I can assure you that people get tore up every year in these. My opinion is that when you put you and your pets on the line to make a kill like that, you definately feel closer to the prey. Which in my book, gives you more respect for what your doing and how you do it. Just my .02 cents though.

that's a good point