I am a Full Time Knife Maker!

Daniel Fairly Knives

Full Time Knifemaker
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 9, 2011
...And we want to thank everyone here for making it possible!

I am a lucky guy, this is all I do... make knives! I was fortunate to have a backlog from day one and Bladeforums has been the place most for it all. The support here has been unbelievable and I want to thank everyone for making it possible!

It's a family business with my wife Sara making leather sheaths, doing the mailing, paperwork and more. We are dedicated 100% to making the best knives possible and that is all we do... thanks everyone! Knives are our only source of income and I'm happy that everyone has had our back. We have yours too!

We are here to stay and motivated as can be, look out! Thanks!
Good luck, and may the income be stable, the orders constant, and the customers pleasant!

Hopefully you will really enjoy it, and never "work" again!
Congratulations sir. Making a living from your own creations... awesome. :D

I'm sure your folder will bring you even more followers.
I thank you Sara and Jade for putting out some of the best knives out there!!!! I also thank you for all the help and inspiration you have given me!
Daniel, thank you and Sarah for making this a place to be! And to get equipped :D
You guys offer a great 'product' and even better service!
Thank you
Daniel- Congratz!
This could not have happened to a nicer guy!
Congrats, Daniel, on being able to do what you love, make a living at it and provide for your family!
Hey congratulations! That is fantastic news. In an industry full of great craftspeople who really struggle this is a great achievement
You are providing a very good service to the knife community by going full time:thumbup:
Congratulations. You should celebrate by giving me one of your new folders. Or maybe just a reduced price? :) Just a thought....seriously, congratulations. I like your work.
Daniel, it's been an awesome road seeing how you've evolved since those first knives you made. Combine that with a great sense of business and customer relations and you've got a brilliant future ahead of you. Congratulations!
Daniel, you forgot one very important other product along the DFK line . . . . Sally T just wanted me to remind you that you also make some of the finest "pink" paracord bracelets out on the market too . . . . :D
Just a small reminder and a bigger thank you for all you have done for her and for all the kinds words as well . . . . :)
Best of luck to you and Sara for years to come . . . . . :thumbup:
Be safe.
WOW, congratulations, Daniel!!
Glad to hear it! Can't wait to actually, you know, OWN something from ya and not just drool over it! ;)
Daniel, Congrats on your knifemaking career.................Have you tried the rubber yet?....I am getting repeat orders for knives with that handle................That's for hard use guys...........Next time I ride out your way, I will make sure I catch you home..carl