Idea: Auto Triad/alternative way to operate triad lock

Apr 3, 2007
Remember the very first time Cold Steel showed the Tiger Claw? It was a modified version of the Triad lock where you actuate the lockbar from the front side instead of the usual mid or back side.

I’ve found a similar mechanism that could potentially work with the Triad lock that involves actuating the lock bar from the front using bolster. Please see the disassembly video of the Protech Magic showing the bolster firing mechanism. The inner mechanism is basically just a lockback. Now Triad lock does have an additional stop pin in front, but it doesn’t have to extend all the way to the scale. You can add a steel liner behind the scale for the pivot screw and the stop pin.

Perhaps we might even be able to do auto triad with this.

I’m interested to see what Demko thinks about this. Perhaps this would also cater for people who thinks Triad lock is too hard to close.
Interesting. Not sure if I trust not accidentally actuating, or am I missing something.