Cold Steel If this is sign of the time, we will run out of time. Thank you GSM

hillbillie hippy

Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
So at an hour an 6 minutes in, I still continue to hold for the GSM customer service rep to anwser my call in the order it was taken. Never had this issue with Cold Steel.
Anyone else have any experience with GSM warranty claims?
I left a message at GSM, They returned my call, but I guess now you would be dealing with a even newer company: Gridiron.
This is really confusing. I am just going to stick with the Cold Steel I already have.
It's a damned shame when big investment companies with cash buy out other companies and run them into the ground. Then they sell off because they can show improvements in the bottom line. Never mind the fact that they just destroyed the trust and goodwill of all their customers.
It's a damned shame when big investment companies with cash buy out other companies and run them into the ground. Then they sell off because they can show improvements in the bottom line. Never mind the fact that they just destroyed the trust and goodwill of all their customers.

Yup, kinda like Disney running Star Wars into the ground.