I'm back...............

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
I just got back late last night and we had a great show and a blast. Sorry I wasn't able to make the show updates I had hoped I for. The whole weekend is a blur and I'm not done yet.

I'll try to post some updates and a few pictures later today

Hey Eric. Glad you made it back safe. I really enjoyed the show and checking out the new SRK models. By the time I left on Sunday I was cross-eyed from looking at so many blades. I know what you mean about it being just a blur, when I got home and dumped out all of the booty I had stuff I forgot buying. I had fun handling all of the SRK products and as soon as my bank account settles down I might have to have some of those tan monsters to abuse. Thanks again and get some rest.
Translation: Presented with a whole table-full of Jerry's variants to play with, Mr. Isaacson decided, "Hey, those guys will still be there when I get back."

:p ;)

I was there in spirit. Apparently my spirit got lost, though, 'cause it didn't bring me back one of those SR neck knives (now confirmed AS) like I asked it too. Stupid spirit.

Oh well, I'll just have to make it to '04, when the just-for-the-show Swamp Bad Apple makes its debut...

[Edited because I wasn't sure anyone would know what a Bad Bapple was.]
Glad you had a good time :D It is a blast if you can remember where you've been and where you plan to go ;):D (I kept getting lost:))

I think there were a few of the Rat Shakers bought with the intention of selling them so keep your eyes on the for sale boards. And your Variant was a big hit, what a beauty. :D

I dropped it off with Rowe yesterday as requested

Thank you, Eric. Did Kenny seem to kinda/sorta remember it? :) I caught him with that plan just a few days before the show, and he seemed a little flustered with work. Bet he enjoyed himself, though.
He said he remembered and had all the notes at the shop. Just don't blame me if you get a pink leather sheath with the name Bambi engraved on it ;):p
Welcome back Eric ;)
If not classified, when can we order new D2 rats and when are those gonna start shipping?
Do you really have to ask? Of course the answer is 2 weeks on both questions ;):p

Seriously we haven't got a firm date when they will start shipping yet. I'll update the forums when I have more info
Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
Just don't blame me if you get a pink leather sheath with the name Bambi engraved on it ;):p

Why would I blame you?? That's what I ordered! :D