I'm back.....

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
I was never really gone, I've just been spending a lot of time offline lately. I'm now back for the long haul so let's get this forum hopping again.

I'll try to start the weekly "chats" up again next week so stay tuned :D:D

BTW, Welcome to any new Rat's :D:D I'm glad you decided to stop by the Swamp :D:D
WB Eric.
Any news on D2s? I know it's 2 weeks, just curiosity and impatience ;)
Originally posted by Gator97

Any news on D2s? I know it's 2 weeks,

HOLY COW!!! You must have a camera at the shop or ESP or something because I was going to say 2 weeks....how'd you ever guess ;):p

Seriously I don't have a firm date at this time. Hopefully soon, because I want some also :D:D

Nothing really new here, just been busy and spending some more of my free time working around home and with the family :D:D
Hey....working around the house and being with the family is a good thing!Glad you enjoyed your time away...:)