I'm here....lets "chat"

You'll all just have to wait and see, well except Andrew, I'll probably tell him on the way down afterall it is a long drive and we need something to talk about :D:D
That is what I was hoping to get today but the PO man must have kept them :eek:

It's getting late here, I think I'll be logging off soon unless someone else has something specific :D:D
I'll see everyone Friday. I'm sort a waitin around for someone to post a pic ( oinks). Adios, all.
Originally posted by Briar_Wolf
I'll see everyone Friday. I'm sort a waitin around for someone to post a pic ( oinks). Adios, all.

If I had a pic I'd post it. Keep watching the forums, I might get something to post before the show. Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday :D:D
I'm all done guys, thanks for hanging out tonight it has been fun.

Watch the forums this week ;)
. . . blast. Time got away from me and I missed the pre-Blade chat.

Fine then, but I'm going to chat enough to make up for it in Atlanta. :)

See y'all Friday through Sunday!