info on Uncle Henry fixed blade

Aug 21, 2003
Hello Schrade enthusiasts!
Can anyone tell me if this golden spike is right?
It has no stamps on the blade, only on the hilt.
It says Uncle Henry on one side, the other 228308. Thanks in advance for any info. Jerry
Now by clicking that first picture, it is not a current production Schrade..... :eek:

Could this knife have been a WalMart blister pack?

Has anyone else clicked on the first picture???? I don't know how it happened, but it sure looks like an invasion from Whine and Cheese! :confused:

Or.....maybe it's from our old thread about ping pong balls..... :D

In any event, that Golden Spike is different than most I've seen. Again, maybe a WalMart Special?

Just a guess, but it looks legit. Even a fake wouldn't be that far off in where they put the markings. I'll bet LT would have something to add to this...
Am I the only one here who gets a rather incredible picture of a girl doing.....ah, well, you know.....when you click on the first picture in the group of 3?

Maybe I am, but I saw this picture in the infamous "Hottie" thread before we must have crossed in space!

Someone help me out here!

Bill :confused:
I didn't think peyote was in season yet!
What else you been smoking?
Looks like a perfect little folder to me!
Thanks Larry....

Peyote is one of our most prized products here in Arizona...... :D

As for that being "fixed" or folder, well, the sheath is certainly clean, but it does look used. I also doubt whether you could handle that without getting cut a few times... :eek:

Back to the pipe.

I just get a picture of the knife(oh well). I bought this knife at auction so I do not have history on it. I neglected to mention that the butt cap is secured to the tang with a phillips head screw. I know nothing about Schrades, is that common? The sheath definitely has some age to it.

Well Jerry, that's what I get now, as well. Somebody fixed the picture. I sure hope someone else saw what I saw for a while there, or else I'm gonna have my computer exorcised!
Anyway, it (the knife) probably just had a little work done by the former owner, as it looks like a Golden Spike to me.
Sorry for the thread drift, but it was real unusual, to say the least.

El Lobo said:
Thanks Larry....

I also doubt whether you could handle that without getting cut a few times... :eek:

Back to the pipe.


Did I just get slammed? I still have all 8 fingers and 1 thumb! ;)
Just tell me you saw her.... The only slamming from me my friend, would be closing that "Folder" after we were done cuttin' up.

I hope things grow back OK.

Take this discussion about growing back, right back to ping pongs!

I am sure you saw what you believe you did.

I am sorry to report that I only saw a "Golden Spike".

What is a quick reply? Yes it is a golden spike. ( possibly a second). How do you post 3 thumbnails that is neat. Where is the naked broad ( I miss everything.). It may take me a while to appear sentinent on this new edition of this site. Having the fantastic mechanical and computer acumen that I do . I can look at a hammer from across the room and have it fly off and assault me I also pray to my computer ( since it is obviously magic ). I have named my computer ZARDOZ after an old Sean Connery movie where people worshipped a computer. So again it may take me a while to figure it out. As far as old Schrades I am at the point where I believe that when I pass off this mortal coil they can dig a 6 foot deep hole put me in it and fill it up with knives. It would be easier if anyone wants to see something in particular to let me know I don't have everything But I can always look around. I have come up with a couple of new pieces recently However I will have to figure out how to post them. I know you computer guys find this easy I still remember cold water railroad flats as a kid so there is a technology adjustment gap. I have to go now I genuflect 5 times a day to my computer and it will get angry if I miss the sundown session. I believe I am starting to depend on this machine a bit much and again where is the nice naked lady??LT PS It is good to be home hello to all and thankyou blade forum.
Jerry Hagman said:
I just get a picture of the knife(oh well). I bought this knife at auction so I do not have history on it. I neglected to mention that the butt cap is secured to the tang with a phillips head screw. I know nothing about Schrades, is that common? The sheath definitely has some age to it.


I have no idea what the number on the handguard is. Never seen a number there before.

As for the screw, mine has a phillips screw holding the buttcap on the handle, holds the whole handle together, really. I'm pretty sure this is standard. It screws into an insert that fits into a fork in the end of the tang. Makes making a replacement handle kinda tough, but not impossible.

I bought mine at Wal-Mart, on sale for $17.00 or so. Good knife, needs a better sheath. Mines kinda flimsy.