Jennifer: Boss with the iron (SR-101, D2) gag

Sep 30, 2002
Geez, even Jerry has given us more hints of what is to come than you guys. Jennifer must instill fear amongst you. "If you talk, or show, even a hint of things to come there will be consequences!Understand? Especially you Eric!" Come on - at least a blurry photo...


:D :rolleyes: :p ;) :D
I gave some hints last night at the "chat" it's just that no one picked up on them ;):D:D

I'll see what I can do :D:D
So will the neck knife have a choil? I mean, I know it's a short blade anyway, but I like the angle I can get at when there's a choil.
A neck knife with a choil in Atlanta...and me stuck unpacking boxes. Dadgummed Army! :grumpy: :mad: