Knife selections.

I don,y know if we are talking about the same company . Those knives you are showing me come from United cutlery . The original knives in this post were from J:L: direct . Did I go wrong somewhere or are they both made from J2 ?
well, the specs shows that its a 420 J2. A type of steel can be made by a few companies not just one.

So since it stats J2 at both places, i assume its the stainless steel 420 J2 series
I just wanted to make sure as I am going to get three little throwers that look like patch knives or skinners . Heck the shipping costs more than the knives . At 2.40 each I won,t go broke . As long as they throw well I,ll be a happy camper . Thanks .
first post...:jerkit: ...but as to the title of this thread: I've just started throwing CRKT/A.G. Russell Stings, and I like them so much I got two to throw and one very sharp for whateva. they are little but solid, forged chunky little munkies that stick deep and don't get damaged very easy. I throw them by the handle, but I've taken the edges off cuz they're noticably sharp if I'm sloppy. I sell these things so I get em for wholesale, but otherwise they cost about 60 bucks each, not too cheap. Nice little plastic sheath though, with staps and stuff. My old standbys are a pair of Moeller Vipers, (favorites), a pair of Boker Mini Bo-kris, a Hibben axe, 3 Hibben cord wrapped throwers, a Cold Steel, (which I despise), and a knife I had made for me. Sometimes I throw my kukri.
A throwing knife is great in 420, (rust proof but lame otherwise for a knife), especially for cheap junk, which constitutes most of what is out there. A good throwing knife is made from spring steel or 440C. Most everything else is Taiwan made and pretty hokey if you're a knife snob like me. Over the past two years I've totally been captivated by throwing knives at chunks of wood and have gone through many different knives, (and skill plateaus), starting at lame quality, working my way towards knives handmade by Canadian craftsman. I take it pretty seriously, as it is my escape and my refuge from everyday life. Like meditating or whatever.
Anyway, my two bits for what they're worth.
Sookie said:
first post...:jerkit: ...but as to the title of this thread: I've just started throwing CRKT/A.G. Russell Stings, and I like them so much I got two to throw and one very sharp for whateva. they are little but solid, forged chunky little munkies that stick deep and don't get damaged very easy. I throw them by the handle, but I've taken the edges off cuz they're noticably sharp if I'm sloppy. I sell these things so I get em for wholesale, but otherwise they cost about 60 bucks each, not too cheap. Nice little plastic sheath though, with staps and stuff. My old standbys are a pair of Moeller Vipers, (favorites), a pair of Boker Mini Bo-kris, a Hibben axe, 3 Hibben cord wrapped throwers, a Cold Steel, (which I despise), and a knife I had made for me. Sometimes I throw my kukri.

I've been tossing my Sting around a bit, and it' been holding up pretty well. I've been using my own variation of ralph thorn's no rotation method. I can stick it everytime underhand and I'm pretty good overhand as well, but only at a close distance. I cant get the knife to not spin from more than 7-10 ft. away. I'm thinking of adding some weight to the handle somehow, to keep the point from dropping. I got mine for a bit under $30, if you're paying more than that, you need to find a better store.
no rotations? how does that work?
Sookie said:
no rotations? how does that work?
It's hard to explain, but basically you use a large knife with a handle heavier than the blade(for the best results), and you hold it by the handle using a different grip than when throwing rotational. You then have to figure out how to release it in a way that will keep it going point first for as long as possible. So far I've only tried it with the Sting and a cheap folder, but it works pretty well as close distances. With a bit more practice and/or a larger knife, I could probably stick it from a lot farther away.

I didnt do the best job explaining it, so you should probably do a search if you want better info. I know there's been a few threads about it.
thanks yo, i'll look into that:)