Koppo question

Nov 14, 2000
This question is for anyone who wants to help me out. I've been eyeing the Ti Koppo recently. The problem is my lack of knowledge in how to employ the Koppo correctly. So is it worth purchasing if I wouldn't know how to use it at first? I used to box and I figured if nothing else it would be a solid weight for my strong hand. I'm definitely interested in learning the more advanced techniques. Any recommendations for books or videos that I could pick up as well? Unfortunately, I just can't get into a martial arts class right now. Well, thanks in advance for your help.


Check back tonight and there should be a link to an article I am writing. I'm taking a short break right now as a matter of fact, from writing it. It should be up tonight and should answer alot of your questions.
Thanks for the update for Jeff, I was about to post that that he might try to find one of the old Kubaton booklets or the like...but having never trained with a Koppo myself I didn't know if that would be the best method for self-training.
Thanks guys. Don, I'm looking forward to reading the article. I went ahead and ordered a Koppo from JSP.

Don ... Great article man! Gave me a grasp on some of the ways a Koppo can be employed. You should link it over in Practical Tactical if you haven't already. Thanks for the article.

Nicely done article, Don

A tribute to the author is on the way. I can't wait for my Koppo to arrive.

Hey fellas, did you see the [blue] section of quarterpanel and the wood post? Those were not full power, but really fast "popping" hits, like if someone was trying to stick a knife in you. You don't want something out there in the fray for long, you want to retract it or you will be cut.

I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to show with those pictures, the damage you can do with arm power alone and not have alot of follow-through either.
Go back to the article, I had one picture changed and added two more. Just refresh the webpage. :)
Kudos, Don! A great piece of work, as is all the tactical stuff on your site (haven't read the Rants section all the way through yet).

For those (like me) who sometimes have trouble learning from static pics, the two videos I've ever seen on the use of the koppos stick are available at:
http://www.n-i-n.com/VideoTapes.html (#5, "Short Weapons), and
http://hoshinjutsu.org/ (sorry, no direct link) go to the Products section, then Training Tapes, and look at Seminar Tape 2--there's also some koppo stick stuff on the Fire Belt tape as well.
Originally posted by eda-koppo
Kudos, Don! A great piece of work, as is all the tactical stuff on your site (haven't read the Rants section all the way through yet)

Thanks. I'm trying to make something that a Beginner can get an idea from or, someone who is skilled might get an idea from. That is the goal. Hard to do in one article on any given thing though.

As for the "Rants" section, it's going to piss some popular people off, but I feel that alot of what is in there is basically a true picture of the current state of "Internet Forums" in general.

I have received about a dozen E-mails in a week and a half, without one hint of negativity on the Rants and Tactical section and I imagine the only complaints are going to come from those that align themselves with the criticisms.
Nice work Don.

I don't know about you, but that stick thingy jsut screams gunting to me! That would make one nasty gunting into someone's bicep with a reverberating "thumb strike" to the face right after... oh man, what a neat weapon!
I don't normally do this.
I emailed you as well.


You have a pretty darn good site.
I love the "Rants" section.

It is a very straightforward no BS site.

Based upon your info, and the info here, I ordered a Koppo.

James was a good guy to talk to and order from.

Keep up the good work.


Thanks! And I've been getting some E-mail that is involved in a bunch of other issues and my Wife had to leave today and go to Illinois to a funeral...first day of school for my Son! Arrghh! I shall answer, I have not been ignoring you so much as being inundated!

I didn't have time to read the entire article, but I liked what I read. Good job.

As for Hayes, let me just say that those "in the know" have rejected him as being a legitimate source for genuine kobudo information. Hayes has gone on to "improve" our centuries-old art after twenty years of study. "His" art is called "To-Shin-Do".

After study and experience, I can say that Hayes invented much of what I learned studying directly under him, or under those he trained. Fortunately, I have found more honest instructors.

You seem to have a pretty good handle on application. What works, works, and as you said, if it works, you'll see it in more than one place...'cause it works. :)

I do want to mention one target as being especially effective, and that is the edge of the eyes. If you reach up and touch the outside of your eye sockets, then move up just barely, you'll be in a great spot for a strike. Miss slightly, and you'll still likely end with a temple or eye strike.

Ahh...the infamous split. You know, it's really odd. Hayes is claiming that there are two things now. On his site he is more or less coming right out and saying that he has the blessing of Hatsumi Sensei for what he is doing. And I honestly do not know what the hell is going on...on a certain level. Apparently Hatsumi Sensei has not given him the boot, so to speak. Has not stripped him of any rank, and from what I hear, Hayes still travels to Japan with Hatsumi Sensei.

There are a few split factions now, and for whatever the reasons, it's sad, but in the sadness and in some cases, bitterness...maybe there is hope that the Tradition, in some legitimate and combat-viable form will carry on regardless...I hope so.

I think if I were the Grandfather, or the Father, I would look at some of these things as my children or grandchildren marrying [injecting] knuckleheads [things not in the art] and therefore making me unhappy about the bloodline [allowing tradition to the letter lost]. :) When the world was a much smaller place, this was a concern of some powerful people. "Oh, I say, don't marry into the Barton Family, they're morons..." ;) (No offense to anyone named "Barton," I just dreamed up a name).

I have to say something and I'm sure it might make some people happy and might piss some people off...I think you will agree...

If someone has studied with Hatsumi Sensei for years, some of it has to rub off. And as long as the underlying principle is not lost, it is still going to be far better than the literally hundreds of systems and sub-systems in the Martial Arts World.
Originally posted by Spectre

I didn't have time to read the entire article, but I liked what I read. Good job.

Thank you.

You seem to have a pretty good handle on application. What works, works, and as you said, if it works, you'll see it in more than one place...'cause it works.

I have not seen much of a deliberate focus on bone-breaking/shattering while using a pocket stick in the FMAs, that is not to say it does not exist, I have just not seen it. SO it was nice to inject that. As for the rest, I don't think that anyone can claim they invented nerve and muscle destruction strikes. A Charlie Horse is a Charlie Horse regardless. The Ulnar Nerve ["Funny Bone"] is the same regardless of position on Earth, and since people have bumped that nerve forever, it stands to reason it is going to be incorporated. Same as the Radial Nerve patch on top of the forearm.

I do want to mention one target as being especially effective, and that is the edge of the eyes. If you reach up and touch the outside of your eye sockets, then move up just barely, you'll be in a great spot for a strike. Miss slightly, and you'll still likely end with a temple or eye strike.

Does it almost feel like a protrusion of bone in that exact spot? I found a place that causes a light, almost electrical pain leading into the wall of the inner ear with a just a couple pounds of finger pressure there...if so...yeah, that's going to light someone up.
Gosh- so many areas around the skull for a stick to find...I still remember the first time I ever used the old 'behind the ear and push up with your thumbs' trick at a Sembach Karate school...it was taught by a John Carpenter, a little guy who actually showed the younger kids some nice little tricks...as most of you know, very few schools actually teach you something as a kid that will really, really hurt!....gotta be PC, ya know!
And I love using the stick under the jaw- that's gotta really make some new sensations flow up the old spine! Just using a thumb pushing up there hurts enough.... I'm amazed at the amount of pain you can inflict just by striking into a pec muscle!

excellent site- I never considered using the stick as a thumb strike...I'm right now modifying a 7" long kamagong stick about 3/4" thick- I'm putting a lanyard on the end to work like a ban-bog/thumb loop...putting the hole for the loop about 1 1/2" up from the one end, and putting blunt arrow tips on each end....hopefully, I can 'groove' the middle a bit....
all this, cause your site turned me onto this nice little tool all over again!!
And I gotta give a shameless plug to Michael Enad with his nice palm sticks- incredible woods, like American Ironwood, and he's cheap...sometimes it's hard to find the kind of wood I like to use. I bought a few from him years ago, I hope he still makes them.
So many toys, so little time to work on em...
Thanks again Don, keep putting that stuff out there for us.