Libra Knives: C.A.M.P. - Prototype Production Has Begun

Oct 19, 2010
The blanks have been taken to WaterJet.
Optional parts have been ordered.
I should have the blanks by the end of next week on 8/22/22014

While I'm continuing to produce the GL.X and GL.XII series throwing knives I thought it was time to branch out a little.
The design goals for this knife are:

A slicing camp knife that can still be thrown without damage and packs easily and provides maximum utility and funcationalty in a clean simple package, but can be expanded to fill other needs if desired.

The general design I've got finished is this:



Thanks for looking.

- Hal Zucati
Some very cool ideas in this concept.

Thanks! This first prototype run will consist of 16 knives 12 large 11" and 4 small 8".
Mainly what I'm looking to find out this run are the following:
1. Is the design sturdy after grinding.
2. Can the knife be thrown without damage using the S7 steel and the full flat grind.
3. How secure will the handle attachment be?
4. How secure will the cord be?

Does it really make any sense at all to fill the handle with things that can potentially rattle.

5. How big a mess will it be if someone throws this knife with the handle scales still on.
6. Is the skeleton handle too much weight removed for some kind of even balance?
7. Will I slice the ever loving hell out of my self when I try blade throws?
8. Edge retention and durability in general.
9. Can I baton with it?
10. How easy is it to clean.

- Hal Zucati
Just talked with my waterjet guys.
The C.A.M.P. blanks will be done tomorrow afternoon for pickup!
Picture time then!

I'm going to work on getting one ground this weekend then, won't have all the bells and whistles, but I'm going to have one ready so I heat treat it this weekend and then start the destructive testing.
MMMMM destructive testing.
Some testing data:
1. Need to leave enough stock to grind down to non-carburized metal after heat treat.... OR Buy some stainless tool wrap and add to the cost of each knife and time it takes to make.
Not sure what the better option is for this as grinding post-hardening is going to take the rest of my natural life. SLOW going. And I don't want to increase the base price of the knives or futz about with tool wrap really.... so...

2. The stock heat treated knife with material left on the bevel for post-heat treat grinding is tough as hell, and just like it should be.

3. Need to adjust my grinding setup to produce a closer flat grind than I"m currently doing.

4. The knife feels actually kinda light for throwing, right now the last one I did was about 8oz or so, I'm working on grind location and depth... that will change.

5. The handle inserts and capsules have not arrived so until they do I'm going to stop grinding till I see what that does to the overall look and feel. The handle wrap so far was good, but I need to see what the inserts will do before proceeding.

6. The width of the blade slows it down when thrown blade style and it turns against the wind... doesn't float exactly, but the sound it makes is audible.

7. Sharpens and holds a nice edge. Need to thin it out to be a better slicer. Need to explore the thinnest angle I can get without rolling or denting.

8. Was able to put a slight bend in the blade by side impact testing but nothing acute and it bent back in the same manner. No fractures or chips.

The testing continues but I'm not going to pursue this much more until my inserts and capsules get in.

- Hal
I'll have some up tonight.
Been dealing with some stuff so I've been delayed.
Thanks for checking this project out.
- Hal Zucati