Looking for live/work space in Visalia

Jan 13, 2011
I am moving to Visalia and want to try my hand at knifemaking. As such, I am looking for suitable live/work space, any ideas?


Do you already have a place to live up here? Mike and I work out of our garages so if you can find a place that has a garage you can work there. You might also want to look on craigs list for workshop rentals. I think those come up sometimes.
I am looking for a place to live which has some kind of "shop" space, I guess a garage would do, if I can work with the door up and no nosy neighbors around.
I'm sure if you look hard you can find a shop space that isn't too expensive. Working in your garage shouldn't be a problem unless you're unlucky enough to have nosy neighbors who like to complain. Even then I don't think they can stop you unless you work all night and make excessive noise.
Maybe Visalia will turn into the knife making center of the San Joaquin Valley. Ghameh, let me a Ray know when you get here. Will give you the special knife makers welcome.

Take care

Awesome. I was going to ask, glad you took the initiative. I'll start my new job on the 19th.