M2, A2, D2

Dec 3, 2001
As a newbie I have lots of questions about steels. Here is one. Which of these three would you consider the best and why? Also, what are the pros and cons of each. What got me wondering is that the new Axis AFCK is D2 and the 910 is M2. What is the reasoning behind this, or is it just what they happen to get a good deal on for the number of knives they make?
Depends on use and heat treat. I like A-2 steel, got a coupl'a big fighters out of it. Takes a wicked fine edge and holds it pretty well. It is pretty easy to maintain, but tends to pit if you leave moisture on the blade for long. Same is true of M-2. M-2 should hold an edge longer on paper, but you would have to be a professional butcher or something to appreciate the edge holding difference between those three. Benchmade probably switched to D-2 because it would be the most stain resistant of the three, and knife makers have told me that D-2 is easy to work, i.e. easier to grind and heat treat without warping. Just my guesses.
A2 is a nice steel, very tough and durable, and takes a wicked edge. D2 is my fave steel to date, takes a wicked edge, holds it for a long time, and is great for utility or hunting knives and is almost stainless. But it isnt as tough as A2. I havent played with anything in M2 yet. Paul Bos does my HT for those steels, and he knows what he is doing. Larger knives that will see more abuse, A2 is prob better than D2 in terms of toughness, but D2 is more stainless.