max distance for a pen

If you throw it out the airlock, maybe 4 or 5 parsecs before it gets sucked into a gravity well.
I've been known to throw one so hard it traveled 500 metres and went through three people before sticking into a reinforced concrete wall.
It's easier to just hold on to the pen, walk over to the target, and stab it in.

Most pens just don't have to mass to work for throwing from any distance.
Gel pens are useless. But any other type of ink is lethal at any distance, and with a hard enough throw, red ink pens can explode violently on and everything. No kidding. In 1932, a Canton, Ohio, student threw a red Sharpie and something like 800 people were killed by the blast. Windows rattled as far away as Akron. Check it out on Wikipedia.