Membership changes, was New Policy: You sell knifemaker's products, you are a dealer

Here is one idea (not sure if it has been mentioned):

A basic knife makers fee of 30 or 50 or whatever dollars. For those who want to support the sight, have PMs, sig lines, other benefits, etc.


The option to buy "Buy a sales thread" for $5 or $10 (or whatever fee) when you wish to sell a knife, extra supplies etc. Limitations on selling multiple items may need to be set, or perhaps extra fees for multiple items sold in that thread, etc.

I realize that may not work well for suppliers like myself, but it may work well for the knifemakers here



I don't think there would be a practical way to do that. Falling under the "commission" or "fee" category.
Mostly, I am waiting to see where I fit in. I paid for a gold membership and expect it will soon be activated. But, I make more money selling fire starters and paracord art than I do selling knives. I'm still uncertain as to which forum will most efficiently alow me to sell a key fob.
The Supplier level is probably going to be the solution. Knifemaker isn't going to go up terribly much, probably to $75 a year or so, $100 if you want a dedicated forum.

$100 for A dedicated forum sounds to good! If it comes down to just 25 more than a knifemaker status I would do it in a heartbeat.
I have some questions. If I were to puchase a 3yr. knifemaker membership at the $120.00 price now.
Will that be Grandfathered in under the new proposed increases, or would it mean another fee, after the rate increase?
Also will the perks stay the same or will they change under the new proposed increases?
Or has this been worked out yet?
You'd be grandfathered.
Thanks Fob for the p.m on this thread!

Spark, I would like to know where I stand...I make micarta slabs to help pay for my diabetic cat bills and supplies she needs, I paid for the "knife maker" but I have never even sold a knife...If I have to upgrade to $200 with the slabs I have sold I would still be in the hole to you on that $200 since paying for my "knife maker" status back in Sept, I think thats when I paid for it...I'm not a business as this is not my primary source of income, nor do I take accept custom orders....where do I stand?

Anyone want a diabetic cat that fetches like a dog?
I'm sorry $75 sounds extremely unreasonable, I really am. $6.25 a month is a lot, especially to advertise as many knives as you can make. What other incentives do you need? Give me constructive feedback.

I don't have a problem with $75 a year or $100 if I want a forum (not sure if I want another dedicated forum yet) but what'd be REALLY nice is if we could get a much bigger PM box. Like 1000 or so.

Many folks use PMs instead of emails to send questions or place orders and the 100 limit gets filled up in no time.

I know I can download them as a text file, but it's so much easier to be able to log in to the site and check out order details from a year ago in a PM.

Other than that, and now that you take PayPal for memberships, I'm very happy with this forums :thumbup:

I'd certainly increase the PM limit, that's not a problem.
I would gladly pay $75 bucks for a knifemaker membership if it allowed me to freely sell the sheaths I make.

Right now I sell about 4 or 5 sheaths a month and give away about the same. It's very much a hobby for me, being that I doubt that I break even when paying for supplies, let alone factoring in the hours I spend. It's a losing battle.

a $200 dealer membership is out of the question for me right now. Once I'm done putting the wife through nursing school I plan on making and selling alot more sheaths and selling knives to go with them. At that point, I'll gladly be a dealer.

I am revisiting this just now.

Are you any closer to making a decision regarding this?

Do you foresee a new classification for makers and sevice providers like myeslf or am I OK to continue as before with my current level of membership or am I to be considered a "dealer"?

Thanks in advance.

I'll probably make the changes after SHOT. I'm working on a couple different things right now, and there's a new version of the vB software coming up that are going to offer more opportunities for people who support the site... so once that's in place, then I'll make membership changes.