Mike's Video Game Giveaway (Prodeus & Quake II on Steam)

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Gold Member
Oct 2, 2010
I recently picked up a boom-shooter bundle on Humble Bundle. It contained seven games total; of which, I was after five. I already own the other two. I thought this would make for a great GAW. For those not familiar, details of the games are below.

Please post an "I'm in" or something similar along with which of the two you'd like. I will use a RNG to generate two winners on Tuesday, April 2nd. In the event both winners want the same game, I will flip a coin for first choice.

Must be a forum user for 90 days or more in good standing. I reserve the right to refuse any entry for any reason or no reason. 18+ only.

Prodeus: https://store.steampowered.com/app/964800/Prodeus/

Prodeus is a first-person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques and technology. Experience the quality you’d expect from a modern AAA game, designed with retro aesthetics and gameplay that invoke the tech-imposed limits of older hardware.

I played thru this about 6mos ago and I absolutely love it. It combines elements of modern AAA FPS with game-play elements and graphics of old. Think of it as Doom Eternal on E1M1 of the original Doom (1993). This is clearly a game that was made as a labor of love by the devs. I was very pleasantly surprised with the level of subtle but deep story-telling they were able to achieve without spoon-feeding a narrative. This game took my #1 spot for FPS released in the last two years (replacing Doom Eternal).

Quake II: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2320/Quake_II/

You are humanity’s last hope to stop the Strogg, a hostile alien race waging war against Earth. Play this military sci-fi FPS, now upgraded for modern platforms with improved visuals, new campaign content, online multiplayer/co-op, and more

This is a classic so there's not much I can add to the tons already written about it. The original Quake 2 dropped when I was a freshman in HS and I spent hundreds of hours on my pirated copy off a CD a buddy made for me. The remaster is absolutely great though some of the enemy attack patterns changed (not a huge deal as I see it). I will say the new campaigns are amazing though too short. They managed to pay a homage to the original Quake (which I've likely sunk 400hrs into). I see this as the Houses of the Holy of FPS.

While you're here, please consider donating to the Friends of the IDF: https://www.fidf.org/
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