Modified Wharncliff Sebenza Project

"insulting" how?? do we forget the CRK is a company and not an individual maker? just because Mr Reeve's name is part of the company's name doesn't mean that his personal moral fiber lives and dies with his company. Mr Reeve has opted to seek (wisely, IMO) all the legal advantages and protections that go with being incorporated. CRK can nor more be "insulted" that can cold steel, benchmade or walmart.

and on that topic of accusation, the only usage of the word "steal" in this thread was by people defending Mr Reeve and by Mr Reeve himself.

Obviously you have never spoken with Chris.
"insulting" how?? do we forget the CRK is a company and not an individual maker? just because Mr Reeve's name is part of the company's name doesn't mean that his personal moral fiber lives and dies with his company. Mr Reeve has opted to seek (wisely, IMO) all the legal advantages and protections that go with being incorporated. CRK can nor more be "insulted" that can cold steel, benchmade or walmart.

Irrelevant and wrong..... the owner/s of a company... can be insulted.

Chris D. :D
irrelevant (and wrong :eek:)

I know my post was a off topic of this thread but i was trying to avoid giving my opinion on the topic....well here it is.

I think "intellectual property" is BS....if it doesn't have a's fair game, i get sick of hearing the I.P BS....knives have been around so long i don't believe that much has not been done before and the wharncliff is no exception.

ExMachina, I have had conversations with Chris before and my impression is that he is man of honor and integrity....he has a very sincere passion for his knives and he is certainly not an owner just sitting back collecting paychecks.

Over the years , i have spoken with Chris, Anne and a few of there staff...a very personal company and Chris prefers to deal with technical issues himself....the Reeves and there employees read these posts....and i believe they can be insulted by some of the they chose to dignify with a response is something different.

This is just my take. :)

It is a Modified Wharncliff blade folder, en? So Respect Reeve, Please.

..... that is one beauty!
Nothing about attempting to put a question mark over someone's integrity undeservedly interests me. Especially someone I consider one of my heros.

Keep kickin' a$$, CRK. You'll always have my support.

It is amazing to me that anyone would think that because they took someone elses blade design and put it on the handle of someone elses knife that they deserve credit for anything in the situation. Yes he made a very good looking CAD drawing of it but in reality it is still, not his blade, and not his handle, and he got exactly what he was asking for, a production CRK Wharnie. So I do not see the problem here and do not know why this is even an issue.
I've always admired the sebenza, it's simplicity, it's mechanics, it's kind of an ultimate folding knife for me, except for one point... I'm a wharncliff addict (wharncliff, modified wharncliff, sheepfoot,..)

If there existed one I would have it for a long time.

So here we are... I began working with a pencil than with my cad software then I even used a 3D software.

Here's the result of my all work, I think the important thing in this project is that I manage to respect the sebenza look/soul, the blade profile is just the standard blade inverted as you can see on the picture, the handle is unchanged. I think it came up pretty well.

Click to enlarge

What do you think ?

Not to drag the river for old mud, but this is an interesting piece of Bladeforums history. I have never been clear on who designed the Insingo blade (Knifeart claims it's an in-house design, and the CRK website doesn't make any mention of the KA authorship), and in my search for the answer I found this thread. I've made up my own mind after having read this entire thread, and I'll keep my opinion to myself. Just thought I'd bump this for credit where it's due.
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Thanks kidcongo for posting this. The thread starter also posted a video of the mockup on youtube from the same time period. I wasn't sure if I could post the link but its only 11 seconds long.
Thanks kidcongo for posting this. The thread starter also posted a video of the mockup on youtube from the same time period. I wasn't sure if I could post the link but its only 11 seconds long.

Thanks, I'll look for that on YouTube.

Regardless of what you see in this old controversy, tell me who wouldn't want that badass Insingo 'regular'?
They should release it as the Sebenza "oufti" model!
I would LOVE a regular insingo. Then again It would love a regular regular too. I never understood why they discontinued that handle shape or more importantly that drop point blade profile. That's why I won't ever let my insingo go. One day they will likely discontinue it.