Motor questions...

Jan 24, 2001
I have a few motor questions.
I have a leeson 1 hp motor that will be my base for a grinder. I have seen some posts that mention a controller. What is this? Is it a seperate item.
Also, I think I will be able to get some motors that are on some gym exhaust fans they are probably 3 hp but I bet they are wired 220. Are these worth the demo time. I am sure they could be transformered down to house current or do some use 220 in their shops.
220 is good for big motors like that. They don't require the enormous amperage they would need on 120 and last longer under load. If for some reason you can't get 220 in your shop, check the label on the motor caseing, it will tell you the voltage. If it says 110/220 , your good to go. You'll just have to rewire the cord on the motor, if its set for 220.
Controllers are for variable speed motors. Usually DC. You only need one if your leeson is variable speed. Then you'll have to find out what kind it uses.
As for whether the fan motors are worth it, absolutely. Never pass up stuff like that when its free or for a low price. Equipment and appliances wear out all the time and get junked completely with motors that have lots of hours left in them and would cost a couple hundred bucks new. You can buy knifemaking equipment without the motors for alot less money too and then put on your own.

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer... but I've got the sharpest knife in the room.
What Matt said. The only thing to look for is whether those fan motors are single or three phase. To use a three phase in your home, you would need a phase converter, which is usually more costly than buying a single phase motor.

