Movie Quotes


Q: "You know, several, you know, dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported. "
A: Sister Act

Q: Every word I say, by definition, is a promise.


That was not the correct answer Gary:D It was (She's the one) Micky punched his brother out with one punch in the yard and their Father went to pick him up. If you watched it the Father always called them a different girls name. However in my absence;) play on. I'll wait my turn:thumbup:
That was not the correct answer Gary:D It was (She's the one) Micky punched his brother out with one punch in the yard and their Father went to pick him up. If you watched it the Father always called them a different girls name. However in my absence;) play on. I'll wait my turn:thumbup:

You're too kind, I was a wondering! it's a tough one you had, with ... in the
middle leaves a bit there, thanks for letting the game continue!
Nah, the one you are thinking of is when the APC is wrecked and the ship that will take them back to the Sulaco crashes and Bill Paxton (Hudson) is freaking out. Newt says to Ripley

"They come at night, mostly"

Sorry, Dinkum, but Centaur pegged it. The line is from Alien the First. Ash reminds Dallas of this fact as they waiting for daylight and a break in the storm after they landed prior to exploring the crashed alien ship.

I'll just throw one out there

Q: "I ask you, is this a job for intelligent men?"

A: Tremors! great movie...;)

Q: "I'm sorry, but I think I picked the wrong guy to be my hero."

Sorry, Dinkum, but Centaur pegged it. The line is from Alien the First. Ash reminds Dallas of this fact as they waiting for daylight and a break in the storm after they landed prior to exploring the crashed alien ship.

Thanks. I guess it's my turn.

Q: Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.