
Nudie shots?!? Well, I don't think Chris'd go for John posting THOSE, but it never hurts to ask - what am I TALKING about?! We all collect knives, fer chrissake! Ummm.. forget I said anything. :D

Ross: Dude! I know what you mean the whole flag motif would have clashed, and it wouldn't have fit anyway - besides, body waxing hurts, so I've been told - and you can FORGET about a bikini wax, thank you. :D

I'm glad you don't sweat the looks you get from idiot bigots. "F" 'em. I LOVE the milkman comeback though. Classic, bro!! You know, when I posted the boys/stick thing, it immediately popped into my head that you'd probably take them in, give them a nice cold drink, and then take them on a tour of the collection... I can just see your daughter now: "Daaaad! Not AGAIN! I LIKED him!" He hee evil minds think alike. Did you ever see "Meet the Parents"? I can see both of us in DiNero's role when it comes to daughters. That's why I hope I'll never have one! If I DO, she's going to be a nun until she's 30, and I'll be poor, because I'll be wrapped around her little finger. LMFAO! With a boy, it'd be like "You got protection? Good. Be back before the sun comes up. Money?! Get a damn JOB, boy!!" :D
Sorry to pop your bubble guys, but I've got a son that will be 21 next month and what I fear most of all is to hear him say "Dad? I'm in trouble."

I'm too damned YOUNG to be a Granpa!

It is well known that a teenage daughter is God's payback for all the fun you have being a man.

I am thankful that I only have a young (nearly 4) son - so I do not have to worry about these things for a few years yet.


Ken, I'm the opposite. I'm 45, my boys are 22 and 20. Can't wait till they get married cause I want grandkids. Think about it. Babies to play with that you can send home when you get tired of em! :D

Oh yeah, God certainly knew what He was doing when he didn't give me any daughters. Forget DeNiro in Meet the Parents. After my talks with prospective boyfriends, if I had daughters they'd grow up to be old maids :D
I share your pain. My 16 yr. old daughter just went out on her first `date' last night...(hmmmmm, must invite him over to see my collection. Good idea.) I can just hear it, `Mom, why does he have to be such a Dad!'

Ken, I'm with you. I've got a 20 yr. old son out and about, also.
HAHA! So my threat to Chris that we'll have 4 daughters is a common nightmare for guys, huh? He says he'll meet all their dates on the front porch cleaning his guns and/or knives. Hey, I say at 6'8" and 300 lbs- he's scary enough to those poor little boys! Love ya babe!
PS- No- no nudie shots anywhere- I just was referring to the bikini shot!
Figured I'd post a newer pic of the wife and I; we had pictures made today and my daughter took this one of us before we left the house.

btw- You guys are scaring me with all this teenage talk; my daughter is 8 and I am already NOT looking forward to it!!

This was taken during one of the many benders I went on during my first year at CSU Fresno. And no, this wasn't what got my Strider taken LOL

BTW I :barf: my guts out that night :mad:


Chris Conneley took this pic of me before we got all tac'd up for LaserQuest.


And here I am doing my best Budweiser Waassssup.

(edit) PS I don't dress anywhere near as goth as I did back then... so I'm safe now :p
Originally posted by John Hollister
What's the old saying about kids:


The only problem with that John, is that GIRLS have standards and have been known to say "No!" (Never to ME of course, but I've heard stories.)

Fat chance.
