"Must Have" KAI knives - Kershaw & ZT - Post yours

my must haves that have been released (I dont feel the need to KEEP these. Just that you own them for a bit to experience them)

ZT0560- Hinderer who? Seriously though. Not identical to an XM but the XM lacking bearings is a deal breaker for me. Plus the ZT has changes made like the clip that make it appeal to me more than an actual xm. Not to mention being a 10th of the price if you consider price gouging on the xm.

Kershaw Offset - Ahead of its time and suffered because of it. Sad to see this technology only used in one knife.

Ti bump. - Those little ti knives had some of the best fit and finish I have EVER seen in a KAI product.

Leek- hey, there is a reason its one of the best selling knives in kershaw history and refuses to die.

These are my absolute must haves of the ones that have not been released

ZT cardinator - Quite possibly perfection. I drool a little every time I see it. The knife is pure sex.

0600 - Got one on order. Who knows If Ill actually get it considering the limited numbers. Another pure sex knife.

0801- Honestly not my favorite shape in the world. But full Ti handle, KVT, Elmax, and steel lock interface have me screaming "it will be mine"
0350 (not pictured)
RAM (definitely this)
Sorry for the crap pic.
So which Kershaw & ZT knives do you consider "Must Have's"?
Post your top 3 (or as many as you'd like :)

I think everybody should have -

300 series ZT



If I am limited to three folders -

1. ZT030X
2. Leek - your choice of flavor - mine would be plain edge black anodized finish
3. ZT0560

The only fixed blade Kershaw I have is a Skyline - and I think I would swap out the Leek for it if I had to....
Out of all of the Kershaw's that I have, only one is a "must have" for me-

The Piston.

All of my other Kershaws just sit, the piston goes everywhere with me. It's light, nice blade size, cuts great, and there is not much about it I would want to change (other than color).

The ZT 0566 might get some pocket time when it comes out, but now that I have the piston I'm not in that "hurry and come out" mindset that I used to be. I can wait for the 566 and maybe even take some time and shop around for a deal on one.
Soon to be the ZT 801. Just screams instant classic.
For me I think.

ZT 0200
ZT 0350

There are of course some I don't have opinions on because I haven't held them. I had a 0560 briefly and it wasn't my favorite. I'm curious to check out an 0550.