My Kindergartner was unfairly suspended for a butter knife in California?

Seeing what is in your son's record, I would be happy if all I got was a clean record for my son.
God forbid some incident in the future resulted in someone seeing that record. Just reading that gives the impression you have a future serial killer on your hands.

Let's say he has to defend himself at school 8-10 years from now, and the other person is seriously, or even moderately injured. The injured aggressor claims he is the victim. Your son, in a lot of sheeple's eyes already has one big strike against him, a knife making martial arts practicing father. By the time he is 16 I'd guess its as likely as not that he is knife making martial artist himself? (My dad sold surety bonds and drank and smoked too much, but if he made knives and kicked ass I probably would have been more interested in following in his footsteps, just sayin)
Either way, when they check the school records find out he has brought a knife to school to "kill people" in the past, it's game over. It really won't matter that he was 6 at the time. If anything him being 6 begs the question "why did you keep making knives when your 6 year old son was obviously dangerously infatuated with them?" Then you lose everything in the resulting lawsuit from the injured aggressor's parents.

My point being everyone will forget about this if his record is clean. If it's not, no one will be able to forget.
Can we get a update? Have you sued? If so, hows it going?

I'm curious myself, I'm guessing an administrative resolution if anything. Suing a school district, especially one in California, over something related to school safety in this day and climate is an almost hopeless venture. Many attorneys will not want to take the plaintiffs as clients for that reason, groups like the ACLU (and similar legal aid/advocacy groups) who aren't really interested in the payout from a judgement or settlement and more about the PR value are the best shot to get decent representation. That or call Saul Goodman...
If everything you've said is true, and I'm inclined to believe it is, this is outrageous. I can see one or two employees violating your rights, making outright false official reports, and abusing your children as you've described but it sounds like nearly everyone in the system is outright danger, or at the least dismissive.

I brought a folding knife my dad had given me to kindergarten once. I put it in my bag for camping or something and forgot to take it out. It was small, one of those novelty peanut types, but actually sharpened (somewhat) unlike the one your son had. I'm 20, so this was in 1999-2000ish when people were already ridiculously skiddish about knives. I don't remember it being a big deal, certainly no police or psychologists were involved. I had a sensible teacher.

I hope you get to bring the full weight of the law down on them. I hope every person who can be shown to have written a false report gets fired or arrested. Good luck.
Can we get a update? Have you sued? If so, hows it going?

I'm curious myself, I'm guessing an administrative resolution if anything. Suing a school district, especially one in California, over something related to school safety in this day and climate is an almost hopeless venture. Many attorneys will not want to take the plaintiffs as clients for that reason, groups like the ACLU (and similar legal aid/advocacy groups) who aren't really interested in the payout from a judgement or settlement and more about the PR value are the best shot to get decent representation. That or call Saul Goodman...
I have seen worse conduct by people in authority.

I would love to know how John knows this all to be false.

Lawyers, geeze...................
I'm curious myself, I'm guessing an administrative resolution if anything. Suing a school district, especially one in California, over something related to school safety in this day and climate is an almost hopeless venture. Many attorneys will not want to take the plaintiffs as clients for that reason, groups like the ACLU (and similar legal aid/advocacy groups) who aren't really interested in the payout from a judgement or settlement and more about the PR value are the best shot to get decent representation. That or call Saul Goodman...

Oh you care all of a sudden?
Your local Bar associations may offer help for the irrational members of said association

"The OP is full of Sh*t", "The OP is lying" to

"I am curious myself", why if its all a lie

And some say I am nucking futs...................
Oh you care all of a sudden?
Your local Bar associations may offer help for the irrational members of said association

"The OP is full of Sh*t", "The OP is lying" to

"I am curious myself", why if its all a lie

And some say I am nucking futs...................

In Texas, we don't take kindly to frivolous litigation.
The thread essentially ended 3 months ago. A recent request for an update has gone nowhere but we now see personal comments. Not needed.

I am going to close this for now. The original poster can reopen it or ask me to if there is any further news.
Child abuse must be reported when one who is a legally mandated reporter “…has knowledge of or observes a child in his or her professional capacity, or within the scope of his or her employment whom he or she knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse or neglect…” (PC 11166[a]). “Reasonable suspicion” occurs when “it is objectively reasonable for a person to entertain such a suspicion based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like position, drawing when appropriate on his or her training and experience, to suspect child abuse” (PC 11166[a][1]). Although wordy, the intent of this definition is clear: if you suspect, report.

Those persons legally mandated to report suspected child abuse have immunity from criminal or civil liability for reporting as required, even if the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of the abuse or neglect was acquired outside of their professional capacity or scope of employment.

In the event a civil action is brought against a mandated reporter as a result of a required or authorized report, he or she may present a claim to the State Board of Control for reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in the action if he or she prevails in the action or the court dismisses the action (PC 11172 [c].)

In November 2013, in Santa Clara County Superior Court, a private school teacher falsely accused of sexual misconduct by several students and their parents won a defamation case against the families, and received a verdict in his favor of $362,000, in addition to punitive damages that are still to be determined. It is noteworthy that the suit and verdict were against the false accusers, and not the private school.
Child abuse must be reported when one who is a legally mandated reporter “…has knowledge of or observes a child in his or her professional capacity, or within the scope of his or her employment whom he or she knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse or neglect…” (PC 11166[a]). “Reasonable suspicion” occurs when “it is objectively reasonable for a person to entertain such a suspicion based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like position, drawing when appropriate on his or her training and experience, to suspect child abuse” (PC 11166[a][1]). Although wordy, the intent of this definition is clear: if you suspect, report.

Those persons legally mandated to report suspected child abuse have immunity from criminal or civil liability for reporting as required, even if the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of the abuse or neglect was acquired outside of their professional capacity or scope of employment.

In the event a civil action is brought against a mandated reporter as a result of a required or authorized report, he or she may present a claim to the State Board of Control for reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in the action if he or she prevails in the action or the court dismisses the action (PC 11172 [c].)

In November 2013, in Santa Clara County Superior Court, a private school teacher falsely accused of sexual misconduct by several students and their parents won a defamation case against the families, and received a verdict in his favor of $362,000, in addition to punitive damages that are still to be determined. It is noteworthy that the suit and verdict were against the false accusers, and not the private school.

Thanks for the example, but in my particular, specific case, that was not what happened. I think you missed the point, the fact of the matter is that 1. my 5 year old son did not bring a "kitchen knife to school to kill people" and 2. I did not kick in a door and threaten anyone with a switchblade, nor have I ever struck any of my children or did any of the other horrible things on her misleading, untrue report -but nevertheless, although innocent, we are both mentally scarred and stuck with this bs permanent record for life.

I've thought about this for a long time, and tried to see things with an open mind and be positive, but the fact of the matter is that the Principal most likely twisted facts to simply manipulate and intimidate us not to complain -she realized she was wrong when I offered my explanation why he had the butter knife on him (but it was already too late, she had made a giant scene at the school, calling the psychologists, even harassing my son with her door open with other students outside in the lobby, they all heard what happened and word spread around school). Instead of being known as a truly "moronic" Principal who blew things out of proportion as a result of her inadequate education and experience, and who mistreated an innocent 5 year old child, she misrepresented herself as a "hero" by telling everyone that she saved the school from a child who wanted to kill people with a kitchen knife.

I still complained to the Board after the CPS case was closed, I waited because I didn't want her to make up another bs report in retaliation. It was shocking the lies she told, and I realized that this woman was nuts and could do anything. I literally had nightmares waking up in the middle of the night every time I heard a siren thinking it was CPS coming to take away our kids because of her lies. Once the case was closed, I made my complaint. Sad to say the Board didn't have the balls to do anything that I would consider decent.

Another example of her bs, she asked my son what I did for a living, he said I made "knives in the garage" -she put on the CPS report that I made knives for my children (I never have) and they've injured each other with them while fighting (It's a freakin joke! That never happened. Growing up around knives they don't even try to touch them without asking first. My son asked me if he could open a box of Legos, so I handed him a butter knife. I didn't know he was going to put it in his pocket -I carry an EDC folder, and he just wanted to be like me. It was an honest mistake.) They sent several police officers to my home that night after her bs portrayal of me in her report and after even speaking to us, even the cop warned me, he said you better watch your back "she said you kicked in her door and broke it and a whole bunch of other baloney." I even took a photo of the door the following Monday as physical proof and sent that in to the Board to prove that her report was bs -but they just ignored it. They're all buddies now, I guess it was a bonding experience for those assholes.

My wife was also targeted, the Principal tried to get her on "neglect" on her bs report by misreporting that she's never home, always out partying and is an absentee parent -again, complete lies. My wife's a wonderful mother and she even volunteered at school as the School Librarian, Art Docent and Class Treasurer. She even let the Principal borrow DVD's in the past. She's just a really sweet person and all the kids liked her at school. We were part of that community for 5 years and this woman through her reckless or calculating actions drove us away.

The District had a bunch of drama in recent years, right before they promoted her as Principal in Fall 2013 -which also probably worked to her advantage:

Mismanagement of public funds and politics at their finest! :jerkit: How can a school district such as this one attempt to educate children in a good environment, when the heart of the system is the administration? (... and that is rife with bull$hit).

(This thread's taken a political turn, didn't intend to ... but maybe it should be moved to another forum?)

I guess the district didn't need more drama or negative press. They even threatened to sue me for slander or defamation. These assholes are good at hiding things under the carpet. Maybe we should have read the writing on the wall and left with the good teachers and Principals before any of this happened. I'll just chalk this one off to administrative moral misconduct and bureaucracy.

Maybe someday I will have a table at Blade, and I welcome you Thomas to please stop by and meet my family, then after spending some time with us, you decide if you really believe we are capable of such acts and if we were treated fairly. In the meantime, be well. I'm going Trick or Treating with my kids now. Happy Halloween all.
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I think I did not miss the point. I think you miss my point.

Accepting your statements, your son, you, and your wife have been defamed.

The principal is not immune from liability for what you say she did.

Absent a plaintiff's lawyer to take you case on a contingency fee basis, and there are only 10,000's of those, you don't have a chance.
I think I did not miss the point. I think you miss my point.

Accepting your statements, your son, you, and your wife have been defamed.

The principal is not immune from liability for what you say she did.

Absent a plaintiff's lawyer to take you case on a contingency fee basis, and there are only 10,000's of those, you don't have a chance.

I don't think many lawyers in the LA area would have the time to take on a school district on a contingency fee basis ... plus, we're moving overseas in January. I just don't have the money or time for this anymore -and defamation is very difficult to prove in court. I appreciate the advice Thomas.
I don't think many lawyers in the LA area would have the time to take on a school district on a contingency fee basis ... plus, we're moving overseas in January. I just don't have the money or time for this anymore -and defamation is very difficult to prove in court. I appreciate the advice Thomas.

Good luck on your move. I'm sorry to hear how it shook out. But at some point you gonna know when to fold it. It's really infuriating when people are abusing power, tampering with witnesses and generally awful people.
sorry to hear to whole story. good luck with your new journey overseas. btw where are you heading?
Thank you for your support everyone.

Just to elaborate, I'd been thinking of moving for several years prior, but simply got lazy.

This situation was simply just another motivating factor -not the only reason.

Since this is posted in the "Knife Laws" forum:

Here's some advice for all my knife brethren, in retrospect, I should have taken out my cellphone camera as soon as she went nuts. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do it. I can't can't stress that enough. I feel that in this liberal extremist age, anyone associated with the word "knife" is automatically deemed guilty or to be of poor moral character by pea brained idiots. It's a shame because I've met some really wonderful people through this vocation.
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Truly awful. The abuses of power in the education system are rampant and destructive.
That's really unfortunate, and a little scary too - it's crazy how much power these people hold.