Natural Source Water Filter

Jul 13, 1999
Hi gang,

I was talking with an a guy (ex-British Air Force) about water filters (Katadyn, MSR, etc) and he was telling of some experiences during survival and evassion training.

He was telling me about Sphagnum(sp)Moss and using it and sand and ??? to make a water filter. Unforturnately I didn't have the time to talk details with him.

Has anyone here used such a device(?) to filter water for consumption? How do you make it exactly?

thanks for your input.

Darren, I've made crude filters before using this method but don't rely on it to take out all the waterborne problems.

They're easy to make using a piece of cloth (bandana), some moss or fine grass, sand, and charcoal.

It should be layered so the charcoal is at the bottom, sand on top of that, and the moss or grasses on top of that. Some folks also add another layer of creek bed gravel.

Water is poured from the top and drips out the bottom.

Best bet? Buy a good water filter...they're relatively cheap and compact.

Randall's Adventure & Training

The Three teired filtration system (discussed here) simply makes that water taste better and removes big chunks of stuff. In reality, it doesn't make the water any safer to drink than drinking it straight from the creek. :>)

Greg Davenport
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