New 710 release

I don't think magnacut justifies the 200 extra by a long shot. Hell, I don't see the 400 dollar justification lol.
Nevermind price increase. Magnacut should make for a price decrease. S90v production and finishing costs more.

Considering it that way, maybe the base model is a deal(?). (Can you tell I'm trying to justify a purchase of one of these? šŸ™ƒ)
The level of drugs they are smoking have got to be of the highest, weapons grade quality. I wish them the best, but Benchmades are now priced far, far past their value proposition, and I won't be buying any more of them.
If I had $600 to spend on a knife, it wouldnā€™t be a Benchmade. Iā€™d buy a Jarbenza and pocket the rest of the cheddar.
I got to handle the black scale/fde blade yesterday. it's nice, I really like it even with the awful colors. it has a good heft to it, but probably a bit too heavy for running pants or basketball ball shorts. it's pretty thick in the handle as well.

these are all a quick 1 minute, if that, first impression. i didn't really compare it to anything else while I had it in my hand. as soon as he told me the price I laughed and gave it back.
My aluminum scale, steel liner 570 Presidio II was $170-ish. It only has s30v, so that Magnacut must be super rare and powerful. Is that the stuff Wolverine's claws are made of? Or Thor's hammer? Was Excalibur made of that?

Wait a second, there are a ton of knives out there with this steel, some under $100? What am I missing?

I used to recommend Benchmade to people. I used to buy Benchmades myself (and fairly regularly).

Not anymore.
Ridiculous prices like this may suggest that the manufacturer is experiencing some serious problems of sustaining and surviving. Even at $300 it is overpriced. I put my Benchmade 710-1401 and ZT 0452 side by side. Other than 710 being the first folder that features the Axis lock, the ZT is better than the Benchmade in EVERY aspect, and I can buy the ZT anytime I want with less than $280 (even after KAI jacked up the price).
I know if I had a dollar for every time someone here bitched about the price of Benchmade, I could buy any knife I want!
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All this does is make me wish I'd bought one back in the day... also, I sure wish they wouldn't add coating to steels that plain don't need it. Why must we pay extra for coating when the steel was developed to be rust-resistant?