Off Topic New Member

Jul 11, 2020
Greetings member here. Retired two years ago from running a university research center. For 45 years I have been an amateur silver smith, goldsmith and wrought jewelry maker. I have also tied flies on and off for 30 years. Have rehabbed two 18th century houses in the last 40 years. As retirement approached I became more interested in green woodworking. I have made Native American Flutes, spoons, bowls etc. Over the last 5 years I converted a 15x20 Amish Built Shed I have from storage into what was going to be a wood shop. I have electrified it, put in A/C, heat and insulation. It has a bandsaw, scroll saw, drill press, belt sander/grinder, dremels, foredoms, blade sharpener, wood lathe, grinding wheel, anvil and vices of various sizes as well as carving knives, chisels, gouges, scorps, bent knives and much to my wife's chagrin more hand tools than I will ever use LOL. I call it Shed Gri-La.

I moved my Jewelry Bench, torch, tools and equipment out there this last winter. Inspired by a YouTube last November, I bought a twenty year old Buck 110 and restored it. I fell in love with customizing knives. My erstwhile wood shop has now become a knife shop. I am blending all my avocations into this new direction.

I have joined because I see this forum as an outstanding source of info and guidance. I have much to learn and hope to learn it from all of you. That's it. Just wanted to introduce myself. Hope to be chatting with you all as time goes on.
Welcome to the forum Preston, and congrats on your retirement. There are a lot of good folks here and an amazing amount of information. If you have any pictures of your work we'd love to see it.
Sounds like you have accomplished some awesome feats and have some serious skills. Look forward to hearing about your endeavors. Congrats on retiring.
Welcome to the forum. Seems a lot of retiring folks shift to knives in one way or another. Good luck with your new focus. What state are you in?
Thanks all. As to photos I have lots of pictures of silver and gold pieces and my wife's and my wedding rings (made 47 years ago) and those of my kids. Sadly, I don't have any knife pictures but will start a library now. I have all kinds of pictures of completed projects in hundreds of communities I did at work but none of any wood working or craft projects. Says a lot about where my head has been at for 40+ years. That is all going to change now. I live in NY.

I am going to be getting into non wood scales (synthetics) and am even looking at doing brass as well. I will be scanning threads here for info on those materials.
Thanks all. As to photos I have lots of pictures of silver and gold pieces and my wife's and my wedding rings (made 47 years ago) and those of my kids. Sadly, I don't have any knife pictures but will start a library now. I have all kinds of pictures of completed projects in hundreds of communities I did at work but none of any wood working or craft projects. Says a lot about where my head has been at for 40+ years. That is all going to change now. I live in NY.

I am going to be getting into non wood scales (synthetics) and am even looking at doing brass as well. I will be scanning threads here for info on those materials.
Welcome, head over to the knifemaker “Shop Talk“ forums. Lots of makers that will gladly share their knowledge ..
Indeed, welcome! I'm currently debating building a shop in my back yard, but part of me doesn't want to mess with the landscaping.