New tattoo/tattoo thread

Sep 5, 2004
I haven't seen a lot of tat pictures here so I thought I'd share my latest. It is the cross of Saint James, otherwise known as the Warriors Cross. As I have recently gotten out of the military, I got this as a reminder of my time. It's not quite done yet, still some things needed but you get the basic idea. Feel free to share pics of tats.:thumbup:
I have two and both have knife content. The Snake tat was drawn for me by a buddy.


Sounds a little narrow minded to me. If you don't want one, fine. Please don't judge those you don't know.
Sounds a little narrow minded to me. If you don't want one, fine. Please don't judge those you don't know.

If you knew LaBella and his sense of humour you'd understand. He's got more tattoos than anyone I know.
Mine's not knife related, but it's related to my nickname. (I guess it would be easy to make it knife related... add a katana or something...)

Tattoos are for freaks and losers.

Sounds a little narrow minded to me. If you don't want one, fine. Please don't judge those you don't know.

LaBella why did you even bother posting to this?

Easy there, boys. Ronlad (aka LaBella, the Poseidon of the Jerzee Shore) is simply admitting that he is a freak and a loser, who owns a custom Bark River knife with an anatomically-correct body part for a handle. You should offer him your hands in friendship.

Go to Ernie's black and grey gallery It was right after, and had that red tint in it, very cool looking.

I need to get some more "work" done................................:D

I'd like full sleeves, my wife is very cool with the idea also (her whole back is done). I just can not make my mind up on what the scenes would be. :cool:

Yeah, ONLY freaks get tattoos :p
I have a couple.......would have more if not for my sudden and incurable addiction to INFI.




Nice work! I bet them ribs hurt. :cool:

Yeah....the ribs have a certain "tickle factor" ...not recommended for your first tatoo ;)

I did one side,and then 4 days later the other side.I didnt want to spend too long thinking about it.....just get it out of the way.:thumbup::thumbup:
Hey Guys...

Interesting topic...

I'd get another one if I could figure out what to get...
One of the only ones that I've seen that I would consider getting is the Star Man off Rush's Hemispheres album...

A Spyderco Spyder would be cool too,,but really don't want a company logo.. Not that Star man is any better..

That would be a coverup for one that I got along time ago, that was stupid and picked off a chart...

Now Speaking of which..

I have a couple of very small home jobs that I'd like to get rid of....

Anyone try any of that bleaching stuff that you apply?? It's suppose to suck the ink out...
I'm thinking it will work,, because they aren't deep....Just enough to be a pain in the ass....

Cool Tats though guys....


ha ha ha ha ha ha! * Freaks and Losers I should have typed! CAPS man in CAPS*

I love catching people "out there" ;)

Normark! DO NOT do that do it at home stuff! go and get it professionally laser removed. It hurts about 3 times more than an actual tattoo, but if you no longer want to "fly that flag" or whatever the case may be, its the only good way to get them removed.
Hey Guys....


Thanks for the advice...
These are really small,,like 1/2" square, if that, so I guess it won't be too bad with the laser... They were done with a pin.

I just keep hearing this stuff advertised on the radio, but don't know anything about it...



I can't attach pix here- but my "knife content" tat is my avatar on another forum.