New Web Specials - Magnacut, also S45VN, etc !

@Buck Knives Inc. tried to buy one of the blue 110s. when signed into my account, it said it wouldnt ship to my address. Removed it from my cart and added a regular 110, and there was no issue with ordering. I signed out and it will allow me to purchase through paypal. I assume this is a glitch?

Edit: its been fixed and mine is on order.... took me a half an hour and the red ranger went in and out of the cart 5 times. I didnt buy the ranger and hope I dont end up with remorse over the 110... Im on a mission this year... trying to track down specific knives... cant waste funds on anything thats just "nice." oh well... hahaha
It also worked ok for me (Illinois), and I got a message that it's been shipped. Photos when it arrives.
These fell out of the mailbox a few days earlier than expected. Really, really pleased with these two.

I also noticed that 112 slims with a nail nick are now on the web specials page, and I forgot to throw a standard black 110 LT in my order. Those will have to wait.
