Photos Our ABC's - Join In! (All Knife Styles)

X is for an  XM-18 and... (tough one here)... a Hit E Xplosion and/or E Xpress.

I was wondering the same thing AntDog. When this cool tread / game was revived 27 days ago, I was thinking... cool this will be fun and we'll get to see some knives that other members have, that I may not have heard of before.

Now, POOF! It's over. It was fun though. Some days I did not have a knife for that letter and I found myself scrambling around my collection in hopes of having something to post that day.

I did enjoy this and hope a member here will come up with a similar, inventive "game". I can't think of any though.

So now what?

Alphabetical names of something with a knife? Start over?…