Out with the Booshway !!!

Apr 13, 2007
In case ya don't go on the Wilderness forum !

Took my new blade from Mark Wohlwend out today, the first thing I wanted to find out was how it carried on the belt. As you can see from this pic, even with a shortish top on, you can't really tell I'm carrying it which can be good if ya likely to cross any sheeples path !


As it happened I didn't see anyone else today but I do know I wasn't the only creature in the area:


I decided to make myself some wilderness tea but was dissapointed to find that although there were plenty of Salmonberry bushes there were also plenty of birds and they had swiped every ripe berry there was ! I did manage to find a few that were not quite ripe, together with a few leaves and some pine needles they would still flavour my tea !
First job was to split some fatwood to get the fire started:


I cheated today and used some cotton ball that was in my pocket. I used the wide blade of the knife to shield the tinder from the wind as I struck the ferro rod on the spine:


With my tea on I decided to test the knife some more:


This branch is as large as I'm ever gonna really need to chop for making shelters etc, the knife went through with very little trouble and was a joy to use due to the shape of the handle !


My tea was just starting to bubble so that was plenty hot enough for me:


On the way back I stopped to pick some Sea Asparagus to nibble on:


Maisy decided to try some !


Cont'd shortly !
As I wandered back along the trail I came across some wood that was just begging to be split, I gotta try battoning eh ! No problem for this blade !!!


If there are Cedar around you will never be stuck for cordage, I love Cedar root cordage !


And before anyone asks, Yeah of course the tiny terror was with me !

Great pics 'Ol Bud ! I like the pic of Snicker ! Now I can't wait to get my Knife from Mark :D