Outdoors Survivin!

They are monarchs. I really like them. Binos are one of those things with a cost to performance threshold that once you cross it, you pay a huge increase for a disproportionately small increase in performance. I can't remember off the top of my head, but there I think they Monarch 5's. 8x42. If I recall I went with lower magnification for a slightly better lowlight performance and wider field of view. When I get home tonight I will double check what they are. I think I paid less than $300.
I checked out Vortex Vipers which are supposed to be nice (and were, but were 2X the cost), luepold, leica, Zeiss, sworovski and for the money, the Nikon's seemed to be the best performance to cost ratio. The things that seems to set the really high end stuff apart, wasn't image sharpness or brightness, but zero distortion right at the edge of the image. Oh yeah, the big three are like 5 to 15 times the cost of Nikon's. I have an even cheaper, like $120 pair of Nikon binoes that I use for work and they are just as clear as my Monarchs, just bulkier and less durable.

Yea I saw the vipers and read the reviews, they look awesome but they are too pricey for me. Another less common brand that I've been eyeing is the Carson 3D ED which seem to get a lot of praise and maybe offer a decent bang for your buck. It will probably come down to the Carsons or the Monarchs.
Lol its OK I did it for those short day hikes without many photos. I liked your thread, your dog needs to grow a pair. Lmao. J/k that was hilarious.
I started my own thread because I was too Lazy to find this one...BUMP!!

Lol its OK I did it for those short day hikes without many photos. I liked your thread, your dog needs to grow a pair. Lmao. J/k that was hilarious.

In my very humble opinion, we need more threads like this! Threads about wilderness outings and full threads on what we love about our new knives. Reviews don't need to be left to the youtube celebrities!
Lol its OK I did it for those short day hikes without many photos. I liked your thread, your dog needs to grow a pair. Lmao. J/k that was hilarious.

Hahaha he definitely does. He is more watch dog than guard dog which sometimes leads to him being stressed in new environments, but also he is a big wuss
I had a big meat headed Pitt bull that was a sissy. Great guard dog but hated to get dirty. Tied him with my buddies dog one day to teach his dig to stay in the yard. Heard a bunch of crying and yelping, we thought they got into it and one was hurt. No, my buddies dog had a dead rabbit and was rolling around on him and my dog(the sissy) couldn't get far enough away so he was crying.
I had a big meat headed Pitt bull that was a sissy. Great guard dog but hated to get dirty. Tied him with my buddies dog one day to teach his dig to stay in the yard. Heard a bunch of crying and yelping, we thought they got into it and one was hurt. No, my buddies dog had a dead rabbit and was rolling around on him and my dog(the sissy) couldn't get far enough away so he was crying.

thats hilarious, I wish getting dirty was his concern....he loves getting dirty but when he hears a noise he gets startled and tries to take the high ground...
Before my best friend passed away a few years ago, we used to go camping almost every Saturday if possible. We would bring along some bites for the stray dogs there and very soon they all became our loyal friends. When we cycled around the dirt track those dogs will trail after us, and I used to joke with my best friend that we are the shoguns and the dogs are our samurai. When we sleep they will stay around us to guard us. We started giving them names and suddenly they are no longer strays. Each has its unique name, and each recognizes its own name.

There was one dog which we named Polka because he has got brown spots all over its fur, you know, like polka dots? And whenever there are appearances of a wild boar the rest of the dogs will start running after it but Polka will be so lost and so excited he keeps barking and running around in circles. Just so comical seeing him do that.

Thanks to this thread by redwood. I had forgotten about Polka but this thread revived my memories of him. He is just so sweet. Polka has since gone missing and nowhere to be found.
pjandyho, we may be half a world apart, and we may never meet, but after that story, I recognize you as my brother.
Before my best friend passed away a few years ago, we used to go camping almost every Saturday if possible. We would bring along some bites for the stray dogs there and very soon they all became our loyal friends. When we cycled around the dirt track those dogs will trail after us, and I used to joke with my best friend that we are the shoguns and the dogs are our samurai. When we sleep they will stay around us to guard us. We started giving them names and suddenly they are no longer strays. Each has its unique name, and each recognizes its own name.

There was one dog which we named Polka because he has got brown spots all over its fur, you know, like polka dots? And whenever there are appearances of a wild boar the rest of the dogs will start running after it but Polka will be so lost and so excited he keeps barking and running around in circles. Just so comical seeing him do that.

Thanks to this thread by redwood. I had forgotten about Polka but this thread revived my memories of him. He is just so sweet. Polka has since gone missing and nowhere to be found.

I was a construction project manager in Mexico at a gas plant and we did the same thing with the stray dogs around the plant. Those poor dogs didn't have much to survive! on so a few scraps helped. One female had a litter of pups in a dug-out den beside the road going into the plant. During a massive storm the road washed out and I saw her down there trying to get the pups to high ground. I waded in literally just a few minutes before they certainly wold have been washed away. I used my shirt and made a gunny sack and scooped them out. I looked pretty much like a stray myself with a sack of puppies, a scared momma dog following me, everyone soaked to the bone when I got to the job trailer. We sure as heck didn't need to be looking after a litter of pups, but momma dog and those pups - all of em made it including one I kept in my shirt pocket all day - became the house dogs for the summer. Everyone seemed happy to share a bite of their lunch every day and they did fine.
I was a construction project manager in Mexico at a gas plant and we did the same thing with the stray dogs around the plant. Those poor dogs didn't have much to survive! on so a few scraps helped. One female had a litter of pups in a dug-out den beside the road going into the plant. During a massive storm the road washed out and I saw her down there trying to get the pups to high ground. I waded in literally just a few minutes before they certainly wold have been washed away. I used my shirt and made a gunny sack and scooped them out. I looked pretty much like a stray myself with a sack of puppies, a scared momma dog following me, everyone soaked to the bone when I got to the job trailer. We sure as heck didn't need to be looking after a litter of pups, but momma dog and those pups - all of em made it including one I kept in my shirt pocket all day - became the house dogs for the summer. Everyone seemed happy to share a bite of their lunch every day and they did fine.
This is a touching story, of love and humanity. If only everyone loves these dogs like it is their family or best of friends, there wouldn't be any stories of abuse. Thanks for being an angel to them.
I was a construction project manager in Mexico at a gas plant and we did the same thing with the stray dogs around the plant. Those poor dogs didn't have much to survive! on

I see what you did there ;)

Seriously though, very cool stories. I love dogs.

My wife is pretty involved with some local animal shelters and hearing some of the stories she comes home with............ people suck.
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There is a reason why they are mans best friend. Mine are always happy to see me and I'm happy to see them.
I was a construction project manager in Mexico at a gas plant and we did the same thing with the stray dogs around the plant. Those poor dogs didn't have much to survive! on so a few scraps helped. One female had a litter of pups in a dug-out den beside the road going into the plant. During a massive storm the road washed out and I saw her down there trying to get the pups to high ground. I waded in literally just a few minutes before they certainly wold have been washed away. I used my shirt and made a gunny sack and scooped them out. I looked pretty much like a stray myself with a sack of puppies, a scared momma dog following me, everyone soaked to the bone when I got to the job trailer. We sure as heck didn't need to be looking after a litter of pups, but momma dog and those pups - all of em made it including one I kept in my shirt pocket all day - became the house dogs for the summer. Everyone seemed happy to share a bite of their lunch every day and they did fine.

What I said about pjandyho? Same here. Person goes out of there way to help a dog, brother.

On the other hand, person hurts or abuses= mortal enemy.