Off Topic Passing of Guildmember Bill Duff on March 2nd 2019

Dec 14, 2005
I am sorry to say that Gloria Duff called me early this morning to tell me that Bill Duff passed away at his home Saturday March 2nd 2019 early this morning. He and Gloria had just moved back to Nevada from Poteau, Oklahoma, and Bill had just got in his new home and had set his knife making shop up, and was just starting to make knives again when cancer came back on him. He had battled it in his throat a few years ago. This time in his lungs, and it hit him fast, and hard. Sad to say he didn't last but a few months. He was a personal friend, and I will miss him terribly. Gloria was too upset to talk to me for long, but said that Bill told her to call me if anything like this happened, and I thank her for honoring his wishes. She asked me to inform others as best I could, because she was struggling with the idea of having to call everyone at this time, so I hope all of you who read this will help us to spread the news. Bill worked for Buck knives when he got out of the Marine Corp back in the late 60's, then started Rigid knives with a partner or two, and then sold out to them, and started making knives under his own name.

Sincerely, Gary Steinmetz.
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I heard last saturday at a small knife show in okc.
I bought a knife from him last year.
Another loss from this world.