Password reset problem

Feb 24, 2016
Last week my phone spontaneously bricked and I changed back to an old one. When I tried to log into BF with it, it didn't autofill my password like usual. I'm not sure if it was a BF bug that caused that though. I couldn't remember my password, so I clicked the forgot password option. It told me an email had been sent and to follow the instructions. The problem was, I never got an email. I tried it a couple more times, still never received an email.

Since last Friday, I've tried to reset my password at least 6 times and never gotten the email. I checked the primary, social, promotion and spam folders and it wasn't in any of them after any of my attempts. Finally, today, I decided to give it one more shot before I started a second account to start a tech support thread about the issue. I tried closing BF in my browser and opening it up (which I'd already done several times previously) to try to log in and this time it autofilled like a champ. Not sure what changed, but here I am again like a bad penny. :eek::D

Just thought I should tell someone about the issue.
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